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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OFTHE CLERK <br /> sponsored events. There are certain organizations that would not have the capacity to run these <br /> events without the support of the City. We support many events and,right now,we are supporting <br /> every event one hundred percent(100%). We would like to maintain the opportunity to help events <br /> and parades that do need City assistance. They must follow certain criteria such as no fee or charge <br /> applied to the applicant, they must be a non-profit entity and they must have a civic significance. <br /> He continued,The ordinance sets up a special review committee. That committee's purpose would <br /> be to accept the applications. A Special Events Coordinator will assist in the workings of the <br /> committee and there will be five people on the committee representing the different individuals <br /> and departments that are involved in the review currently. There is also a chance for the Mayor to <br /> appoint someone from, say, the Venues, Parks & Arts Department who may be very involved in <br /> current events. The committee will meet as regularly as needed. We anticipate every, roughly, <br /> three(3)weeks to give us a chance to accept these applications and issue the permit. We are setting <br /> up the online process as we speak. If the committee decides a certain event does not meet the <br /> criteria and issues a denial, there will be an appeals process and that will be through the Board of <br /> Public Works. Within three (3) days of a decision being made, an applicant may appeal that <br /> decision to the Board of Public Works and then the Board can reconsider that decision. <br /> He went on, This ordinance, the way we've submitted it to you, would be effective January 1, <br /> 2019. We are suggesting a small grace period to implement the ordinance, knowing that the first <br /> (1St) few applications that come in might not be ready to follow the new process. Many of the <br /> events start in May and March. There are a couple events that occur in January or February. It will <br /> also give us time to establish a Special Events Guide that will assist applicants understanding what <br /> the process is. We will put information on the City's website and we will also reach out to every <br /> applicant who has applied in the past year to let them know there is a new process. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde opened the floor questions and comments from Committee Members. <br /> Committeemember Sharon L. McBride asked, There is a traditional luminary event that happens <br /> at Erskine and I know they were denied and they wanted to follow up. They have been doing that <br /> ongoing event so is there a specific reason why it was denied by the Fire Marshall? Every year <br /> they have it and utilize candles but is there a certain reason why it was denied? <br /> Mr. Kain replied, I'm not aware of the reasons for that denial. I would have to check with the Fire <br /> Marshall and get back to you. <br /> Committeemember McBride followed up, I know that they do it coming up in short order and I <br /> know they were disappointed and wanted to know. <br /> Mr. Kain asked, It was denied for 2018? <br /> Committeemember McBride replied, Yes. <br /> Mr. Kain stated, This ordinance does not take effect until next year and even in next year there <br /> will be a grace period. However, I'm not familiar with the reasons of why that event was denied. <br /> Committeemember McBride interjected, Yeah, if somebody could find out that would be great <br /> because I definitely do not want that historic event to not take place. Thank you. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 LTD 574.235.5567 vwvw.southbend <br /> 4 <br />