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South Bend, Indiana Board of Finance Meeting Minutes <br />January 28, 20098 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. Murphy then highlighted selected pages of the report, noting in part that: <br />• 2007 interest earnings were $6,954,739, an increase of $1,932,172 over 2006 interest <br />earned <br />• Reasons for the increase in 2007 interest included the inclusion of the Major Moves <br />monies and the contract with ls` Source Bank guaranteeing a S.S% interest rate on the <br />City's checking account <br />• City of South bend seeks bids on its investments from ten (10) financial institutions <br />• City of South bend will obtain Annual Reports for each of these ten (10) financial <br />institutions as part of its due diligence review <br />• For 2008, interest "will likely be reduced as interest rates have declined this past year. <br />The current interest rate on a 60-day Certificate of Deposit is approximately 3.11%". <br />In response to questions from Dr. Varner, Mr. Murphy noted that selection is based on the "best <br />interest rate", and that the City budgets conservatively. Mr. Murphy stated that he would provide <br />to the Board further information on the specific terms. He noted that Liz Rower developed the <br />"Rate Quotation Sheet" set forth on page 5. <br />In response to questions raised by Council Member White, Mr. Murphy noted that a verbal <br />process is used where calls are made at 8 am with information to be provided by each financial <br />institution by 11 am that same day. Calls are made 2-3 days before the maturity date. Mr. <br />Murphy gave the example that he may take a $90 million amount and break it into two (2) <br />amounts of $30 million and $60 million respectively so that smaller financial institutions may <br />participate. He noted that the sweep account is the City's bank account. <br />Mayor Luecke noted that this process takes place periodically throughout the year. <br />Mr. Murphy then highlighted the City of South Bend's Investment Policy set forth on pages 29- <br />31. He noted in response to a question from the Council Attorney that he is not recommending <br />any changes to this policy. <br />The Council Attorney noted that the current Investment Policy has been in effect since 2005 <br />when the Board of Finance approved that policy. <br />In response to questions from Dr. Varner, Mr. Murphy noted that the city basically has one big <br />bank account which is the "Depository Account", as well as a "Accounts Payable Account". <br />Each are operated under business banking principals and bank account reconciliation. Every <br />fund has to have money in the ledger account. <br />In response to questions raised by Council President Rouse, Mr. Murphy highlighted interest <br />earned and deposited as set forth on page 18 of the Annual Investment Report. <br />