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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> years. It is an early literacy effort that really gets kids ready to read and get a formal education. <br /> We've known that for a very long time it is really important to have that dialogue with children <br /> and teach them how to do that. In the new spaces, though, we hope to do a lot more partnering. <br /> There are a lot of partnership efforts we have going on right now that I would be happy to talk <br /> about but we want to do more with our teens. One(1)of the things teens told us when we did focus <br /> groups was that there was no real teen space at the library. We are putting things in place to begin <br /> a series of adulting classes. And adulting is classified as how to not be thirty (30) years old and <br /> live in your parent's basement. We teach things like going to a job interview and other things that <br /> normal education doesn't necessarily teach. We teach things like managing finances. Libraries are <br /> also a safe space for teens. Because they look like adults, people don't consider them vulnerable <br /> but they are one (1) of the most vulnerable populations we really have. We have about forty-two <br /> (42)teen volunteers we use for all kinds of programs.They also help with a lot of the teen programs <br /> we do, too. <br /> She continued, We've talked about the idea of having gathering s ace in this library for <br /> people <br /> who are socially isolated,too. So we are talking about seniors.We take calls from seniors everyday <br /> who don't have anybody else to talk to. They are asking us questions and we answer them,but we <br /> know our regulars and we know who those people are and I suspect if they didn't call us,we would <br /> be wondering whether or not they were alright. Again, the gamut, but I would love to take any <br /> questions. There are a lot of partnerships. We partner with Notre Dame for income tax assistance. <br /> So for households under $35,000 a year, Notre Dame's business students work with vulnerable <br /> populations to file taxes. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis stated,I had sent a note to some of our members regarding articles <br /> I have been receiving that talk about public libraries adding social workers and social programs <br /> regarding the homeless population. That is one(1) of the areas of interest that I would like to look <br /> at given the fact that the library is one(1) of the only places where people who are billionaires or <br /> who are homeless feel safe at the same place. What are your initial thoughts regarding that? <br /> Ms. Duta replied, I've been following those same articles. Right now, a lot of those homeless <br /> programs where there is a social worker in the library are happening at larger libraries such as <br /> Denver, Los Angles and Chicago. A lot of those are partnership efforts. We've reached out to <br /> DTSB already because they have the social worker who is on the streets and we've let them know <br /> that their population is in the library. We would be happy to welcome them in to meet with those <br /> folks. Also, with the new space, we will be able to provide the kind of meeting rooms that people <br /> require for that privacy. My staff goes through three(3)hours of training to dealing with vulnerable <br /> populations and we also maintain the list of resources on our desk. So when someone comes in <br /> asking about meal service, beds for the night, mental health information and substance abuse, we <br /> have all of that. I will also tell you that our security staff knows a lot of them by name and they <br /> engage in conversation. So we know when someone needs a little more help because they know <br /> who is in the library. I'm not saying that in a bad way but they are reaching out to that population. <br /> Those are the things we are already doing but I would be more than happy to think about that <br /> partnership further. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION j EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend.Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />