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May 24, 2012 "Answers Needed" Press Release -- page 2 <br />action taken if found to be running afoul of policies and procedures, what would happen if a South <br />Bend resident is threatened? <br />We continue to hear rumors that there may be other South Bend Police Officers who have been <br />allegedly threatened, but are hesitant to step forward for fear of retaliation. We believe that this kind <br />of behavior, if true, is very detrimental to our city and cannot be tolerated. The citizens of South Bend <br />need to have confidence in our police department, as well as all individuals who are working for our <br />community. <br />We reviewed Mayor Buttigieg's Executive Order which created an Ethics Code. We also reviewed the <br />City of South Bend's Policies and Procedures. We did not see a specific policy addressing protections <br />for whistle - blowers and/or policies which prohibit retaliation against elected public officials or city <br />employees. If the City does not have such policies, it appears we should. We are aware that <br />employees of the State of Indiana have protections (See IC § 4- 15 -10 -4 attached). We will exercise <br />leadership locally and look into this further under the governing state law provisions set forth in IC § <br />36 -1 -8 -8 (copy attached). We also note that the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is the <br />"independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency" under the federal Whistleblower <br />Protection Act, which again underlines the need for a neutral and independent review that is in place at <br />the federal level. <br />We plan to be available at 3 pm today in the Council Chambers to address this further. We also plan to <br />discuss these growing concerns with the entire Council later this afternoon. Our residents and all of <br />our city employees deserve nothing less. <br /> <br />