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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I along with Councilmember McBride met with people from what I <br /> will call that triangle area. There are good things happening in that area. It has been an area that <br /> has been a little neglected and I didn't want to make this comment yet but for some of the business <br /> owners, they don't feel it is ideal but they understand the necessity. Their concern is increased <br /> public safety issues with the higher concentration of homeless individuals down there. I'm not <br /> saying that all homeless are bad or anything, but they are concerned. There is an incubator <br /> developing within the old Ziker Cleaner Building and this is something we do need to look at as <br /> we move forward with DCI on helping that small area. I had to look up Tutt Street just to <br /> understand the area. Mossberg's employee lot is accessed off Tutt Street. It is something that there <br /> are people with private investment. It is in Councilmember Williams-Preston's District and they <br /> really want to see it thrive down the road. They understand the need here. <br /> He went on, One(1)thing that I've said and I'll say it to this Council. As this goes along, it would <br /> be great to have a permanent structure for this somewhere and we know what a challenge that is. <br /> We've listened to residents on that but if we cannot find a permanent solution to this that makes <br /> everybody happy, I said we need to look at moving this in different areas each year. If we are going <br /> to do it, and continue doing that, I think we need to look at that. There are people concerned about <br /> what that becoming a permanent solution will do to their private investment. So my thought is if <br /> we are going to continue doing this, I think it needs to be moved around and shared within the <br /> City. It is an entire City problem and we need to look at that. I do want to voice the concerns of <br /> those businesses down there. We encouraged them to share letters. They will deal with it but they <br /> want to know what kind of police presence will be there and what other services will be there for <br /> trash and anything else. We met last week, and literally that Sunday night before we met a <br /> gentleman was arrested for selling synthetic marijuana to the homeless. That is the kind of the <br /> concern that is there. I am supportive but I don't think this is the permanent solution for this. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, I want to thank Councilmember McBride. She <br /> contacted me about the meeting and I couldn't make it but I appreciate you guys handling that. I <br /> did have conversations and you did answer my question. I was wondering who the remonstrators <br /> were because,just for clarity,the neighborhood association in that area was for this. They thought <br /> it was a good idea but of course that area is not primarily residential as it is businesses, right? So <br /> thank you for that. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, There were two (2) different people at Area Plan. <br /> Ms. Meyer replied, There were two (2) different people and David and I met with them this <br /> morning. They were Acoustical Audio Business and Omani Auto Sales which is on the corner of <br /> South Michigan Street and Sample Street. They have the same kind of take in terms of they <br /> understand the need but they are concerned. We discussed with them having direct contact with <br /> the Police via Chief Lancaster and Office Lane. I put them in contact with them today via email. I <br /> think they have invited the officers to come talk to them. We are also communicating with the <br /> Police Department about doing some other safety patrols and other kinds of things that could occur <br /> in that general area to make people feel more comfortable. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, Thank you for following up on that, I really appreciate it. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221',f574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 8 <br />