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The Council Committee portion began with Councilmember Henry Davis and Valerie <br />Schey asking why South Bend had to obligate a disproportionate share. Gary Gilot <br />serving as the head of BPW said the City took the lead and assumed a willingness to <br />incur a majority of the first year expenses. Tim Scott wondered where funding beyond <br />year one would come from. Gary Gilot said the city's share of the 5% cable fee is <br />approximately $800,000 year, more than adequate for future funding. Both <br />Councilmember Gavin and Fred Ferlic expressed a need to negotiate a more equitable <br />split of costs with the Council and the City of Mishawaka for second year funding. <br />Council President Derek Dieter raised the issue of funding religious programming with <br />public dollars. Could the City be sued? In response Aladean DeRose said once the <br />management contract was entered into with WNIT, the City was immune from lawsuit. <br />Angel Hernandez emphasized the role of the Advisory Board exercising programming <br />approval based upon community standards. <br />Kathy Cekanski- Farrand agreed the City was absolved of nay potential liability with the <br />WNIT contract. <br />Turning to the public Councilmember Varner recognized George Lane to speak in <br />support. George recounted his four year push for public access emphasizing the need for <br />the people to have a voice. <br />Carol Davis needs programming not found elsewhere. <br />Rev. Sylvester Williams of WUBS radio said public access was good; but there <br />importantly needed to be the inclusion of minorities, specifically the black community. <br />He was dubious about the intent of inclusion if programming was to be monitored and <br />approved by a yet to be named Community Review Board. He said "censorship is not <br />public access." He said the black community should have a "piece of the pie." <br />Rallying to his point, Councilmember Oliver Davis asked Rev. Williams to expand on the <br />meaning of "the pie." Rev. Williams stated that 95% of public access programming has a <br />religious flavor. He ended up saying he wanted it on record that WNIT would <br />collaborate with the black community through WUBS. Angel Hernandez said WNIT <br />intends to openly work with all segments of the community. <br />Before closing the hearing Councilmember Valerie Schey again expressed dissatisfaction <br />with the financial constructs to date and questioned future commitments. <br />Ultimately Councilmember Henry Davis moved for favorable recommendation. <br />Councilmember Scott seconded. It passed favorably by a vote of 3 -1, Valerie Schey <br />dissenting. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson <br />Varner adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. <br />