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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting <br />2007 South Bend Common Council <br />The November 8, 2007 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee of the South <br />Bend Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member AI <br />"Buddy" Kirsits at 6:00 p.m. inside of the main entrance of Benjamin Harrison Primary <br />Center located at 3302 West Western Avenue in South Bend. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Puzzello and Kirsits, Dr. Robert <br />Zimmerman, Ralph Pienicykiewsicz and Bill Snidecki of the South Bend Community <br />School Corporation; Marty Murphy of Chames Childs Architects, Jerry Ujdak, Lynn <br />Patrick, Tim Herdman, and Tim Kluszynski of Historic Preservation; Steve Miskin, Mike <br />Szymanski, Bill Bernhart, Frank Macri, Judy Tovey, unidentified members of the news <br />media; and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member Kirsits welcomed everyone to the tour of the Harrison Primary Center, <br />noting that the tour will be kept to 45 minutes and that it is in conjunction with Substitute <br />Bill No. 61-07 requesting that Marquette School be designated as an historic landmark. <br />He noted that the committee members include Council Members Kuspa, Pfeifer, Varner <br />and himself. <br />Tour of Harrison Primary Center in Conjunction With Substitute Bill No. 61-07: <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that today's walking tour will be to gather information with <br />no formal action being taken by the Committee. The following handouts were provided <br />to the Committee: <br />1. 6-page handout on Benjamin Harrison Primary Center depicting pictures; project <br />description by James Childs Architects; ground floor master plan; 01-01-03 South <br />Bend Tribune Article <br />2. 3-page handout showing an aerial of Harrison Primary Center and 2-pages of <br />master plans (copies attached). <br />South Bend Community School Superintendent, Dr. Robert Zimmerman, led the tour. <br />Items highlighted included: <br />• 750 students are in the school <br />• Harrison Primary Center replaced the former existing elementary school <br />• Harrison Primary Center is organized into a series of "pods" or "cul de sacs" to . <br />help reduce noise and distractions with usually five (5) classrooms in an area, a <br />restroom, and a teachers area in each pod or cul de sac for a specific grade <br />• Many limestone medallions were saved from the former elementary school and <br />strategically placed on the walls throughout Harrison Primary Center <br />• Has the only health clinic which is being considered for Marquette School <br />• Harrison's classrooms average 1,000 square feet <br />