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October 22, 2007 Information and Technology Committee <br />Page 2 <br />The Council Attorney inquired whether the City Administration has reviewed the <br />local cable television regulations codified in the South Bend Municipal Code as to <br />whether there are any other options available. <br />Mr. Leone stated that his department has not reviewed those provisions, <br />assuming that they too have been superseded by state law, but he would do so. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that the Indiana Legislature believed that the state law <br />changes were intended to "put Indiana in the forefront of televising community <br />services". It streamlines the process with ancillary benefits being recognized. <br />December 15th is the final date for broadcasting of 3~d party's tapes by Comcast. <br />He noted that Mishawaka and Elkhart have declined to have such services <br />offered under a third party provider. Mayor Luecke added that he has had <br />discussions with WNIT, but has not had sufficient time to review all options. He <br />stated that it is his understanding that "whoever operates the PEG channel <br />cannot restrict programming content", including obscene material. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Kirsits, the Mayor noted that ATT <br />has not been contacted as another provider of such services with Comcast being <br />the only company having a franchise agreement with the city. <br />Dr. Varner stated that WNIT has expressed in interest in hosting the PEG <br />channel, noting that fees would be involved for such services. He also noted that <br />based on his research libraries are also used to host. At this point there is no <br />public access for governmental functions in South Bend. <br />Dr. Varner suggested the it would be his recommendation to have the Board of <br />Public Works look into this, since they are the contracting agency for the City and <br />since they approved the current franchise agreement with Comcast. <br />In response to questions from Dr. Varner to Mr. Gilot, Mr. Gilot stated that he <br />could have a quote prepared within a week to ten (10) days. He would also <br />check into the budget numbers of revenues received by the city from Comcast. <br />Legal advertisement for quotes would then take place. <br />Council Member White noted that she has received a number of inquires voicing <br />their concerns since they are current users of this channel and provide video <br />broadcasts. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that they can continue to have their tapes broadcast until <br />December 15th, but not tapes after that date will be broadcast by Comcast. <br />