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Councilmember Gavin Ferlic and Councilmember White both asked for clarification as to whether <br />a vote for continuance would preclude the public hearing. Finally Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />motioned to go ahead with a public hearing for 1 hour and then agree to the Mayor's request for <br />continuance. Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., called for a vote which ended in a tie. <br />Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic and Councilmember Gavin Ferlic voting for. Chairperson Henry <br />Davis, Jr., and Councilmember White against. President Dieter voted for to break the tie. <br />To begin discussion Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., called upon Dick Nussbaum to give an <br />overview and perspective on the development agreement be negotiated under contract for the <br />City with the developer Care Hotels. <br />Mr. Nussbaum spoke of an $11,400,000 re- development effort for the Chase. The developer <br />would invest a minimum of $5.7 million to match a like investment by the City. Details in the <br />attachment. <br />Turning to Council questions, Mr. Davis recognized Councilmember Valerie Schey. She <br />questioned the source of funds and wondered why the Redevelopment Commission said no to <br />the proposed reimbursement of the source (Rainy Day Funds) by TIF funds. She also thought an <br />overall downtown development strategy was needed. <br />Council President Derek Dieter had reservations based upon what he felt were unresolved legal <br />issues. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis wondered why delay if no other potential developers had yet to step <br />forward. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner had "clawback" questions should the developer not be able to <br />perform their end. He suggested the possibility of a performance bond to protect the City's <br />interest. <br />Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., then asked who from the public was to speak for the development <br />proceeding. <br />Leslie Kleppe was first. She urged a decision be made now before the opportunity to work with a <br />developer passes. <br />Andrew Nemeth said the project would both protect jobs and add to the tax base. <br />Terry Miller urged going forward tonight or the opportunity would be lost. <br />Catherine Andres said the project would help keep downtown alive. <br />Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., recognized three people to speak again the project. <br />Thomas Butler claiming affiliation with "Occupy Wall St." said public dollars should not be used to <br />help a private entity that had not acted responsibly. <br />Both James Lee and Rita Kopala felt public dollars should not be used for this purpose. <br />Getting back to the Council portion Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., listened to committee members <br />express a need for more information. <br />