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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Jitin Kain, Deputy Director for the Department of Public Works with offices on the 13th floor of <br /> the County-City Building, stated, The first change in Public Works is a title change. It was <br /> originally stated as the PIO, Public Information Officer. We brought this position to you last year <br /> in the budget process, and there was some confusion on the tasks and different responsibilities. As <br /> we thought about it,we realized that the title did not accurately reflect the responsibilities. We are <br /> asking for a title change from public information officer to marketing director. The second (2nd) <br /> change is in our Division of Streets and Sewers,where we are asking for four(4)new FTE's.Three <br /> (3) of these are concrete finishers, and one (1) is a job leader. This is the crew we've talked about <br /> doing more curb and sidewalk work with, but they would also have additional responsibilities <br /> throughout the season. With the additional crew, we'll be able to add fifty percent (50%) more <br /> sidewalk work. This is a Council priority,the Administration's priority, and we also hear from the <br /> community a lot about the need for more curb and sidewalk infrastructure. In addition, this crew <br /> will also do patching. We have not been able to do much on pavement patching, and this crew will <br /> initiate this program. We often have issues with the hiring of seasonal part-time workers, so this <br /> crew will do leaf pickup and snow removal. The next change is on the Engineering Team,they are <br /> asking for an additional inspector for the number of projects that we have in our portfolio, in <br /> particular,the Venues Parks&Arts projects. This position is completely reimbursed through VPA. <br /> Our office will be overseeing approximately $15 million in park projects over the next few years. <br /> That construction requires inspection for every project, and if we were to farm this out, it would <br /> easily be over five (5) times the cost than hiring our own personnel, so we believe this will be a <br /> cost savings to the City. The next positions are in the Utilities Office, and these are primarily the <br /> result of some reorganization that we've done in Utilities. These are not essentially new positions. <br /> We've asked our crews to constantly look at creating efficiencies and opportunities to reorganize <br /> to better serve our residents. The director of customer service in billing was a position we had a <br /> hard time filling,because of the wide range of tasks that this position has to do. The reorganization <br /> started with the reporting structure within that position, and that has a ripple effect on some other <br /> management positions.In all,there are five(5)positions in Utilities within Water that we're asking <br /> for some changes to. The last change is in Solid Waste. We're asking for a six percent (6%) <br /> increase in the Director position,to bring the Director more in line with the other Directors in our <br /> office. This is the lowest paid position within our leadership team, and we're asking to bring it up <br /> slightly more in line with the other leaders. <br /> Committee Chair White asked, In essence, you are asking for five (5) new positions? You <br /> mentioned that the first one (1),the inspector,will be reimbursable? <br /> Mr.Kain answered,Yes,it will be reimbursed through Parks,plus four(4)new positions in streets. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, I have no problems with any of these changes, I think they're <br /> really good. The PIO position, the marketing position you had before, I was really perplexed last <br /> year,but it cut down on a lot of the questions and calls I've received over the last year due to more <br /> information coming out of your department. It helps educate our citizens on what is going on, <br /> especially on our streets, so I thank you for doing that. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston asked, for clarification, Is the PIO just getting a title <br /> change and not an increase in salary? <br /> Mr. Kain replied, Yes, there is no change in salary, no change in job description, it is just a title <br /> change. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011p 574.235.92211ff574.235.91731 TTD 574.235.55671 <br /> 4 <br />