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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston stated, I think we all appreciate that, to see the NRC <br /> working. I've seen a lot in the last year in terms of the increase in dollars. I've seen it specifically <br /> in the neighborhoods that I serve, so I appreciate that and thank you for recognizing that and <br /> engaging them. I have a question about the Engagement Specialist.I know that you had the survey <br /> going on and people knocking doors. That was initially farmed out to a separate entity. Is this <br /> something that position would be taking over? Would we bring that kind of work in house so it <br /> can be handled through this person in the future? <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, Yes. This would be the person with the day to day responsibilities of this, also <br /> with the AmeriCorps folks that we're bringing in next year, this is someone to manage and <br /> coordinate those folks too. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I would like to echo some of the sentiments of the Council <br /> Members. I appreciate the two (2) of you sitting down and talking and I look forward to your <br /> recommendations that you mentioned you will be bringing to the Council in the next week or two <br /> (2). <br /> Innovation and Technology <br /> Santiago Garces,Chief Innovation Officer for the City of South Bend with offices on the 12th floor <br /> of the County-City Building, stated, I presented earlier this week, so I'll just go over the positions <br /> that we're requesting changes in. The first(1st) is the Deputy Chief Technology Officer, which is <br /> a transfer from Public Works. We're increasing the salary at the two percent (2%)rate, but we're <br /> changing the title to reflect the increase in the mobile device usages and the data that employees <br /> in the field are generating. This is someone the departments themselves are requesting. There is <br /> only one(1)request for a new position,the GIS Specialist. We've offset the salary for that position <br /> by reducing expenses in our governance line item, which is the money we budget for projects that <br /> come throughout the year that are needed throughout the departments, so we should be net neutral <br /> in terms of funding that position. Again, this person will be responsible for maintaining the data <br /> that we are collecting from the field. We are responsible for maintaining information about the <br /> addresses that we feed to PSAP and information about the linear assets that we have in all of the <br /> parks. Having a person to help support our GIS team and make sure the information is correct so <br /> that the department heads can make better decisions and the employees can perform their work is <br /> critical. We had two (2) positions that did not have changes in salary nor in title, one (1) of them <br /> is the business analyst and the other is the infrastructure specialist. The Infrastructure Specialist is <br /> coming from the Century Center as part of the changes in management that Venues Parks and Arts <br /> conducted, then the Business Analyst used to be budgeted from DCI, and the position is now <br /> managed by our department. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I sincerely appreciate your presentation,especially that the City is <br /> looking beyond just Administration, but going into the various neighborhoods to ensure that <br /> citizens who cannot afford technology and Wi-Fi, will now have that available. That was very <br /> encouraging. <br /> Committee Chair White thanked all of the department heads and staff for the work that you've <br /> done to bring us to this point. She stated,I would like to personally thank Jennifer because we tend <br /> to meet on a weekly basis, trying to spend time on how to best outline the information so it is as <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574235.92211f574.235.91731TTD 574.235 <br /> 11 <br />