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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> some external economic development folks note that we aren't there on downtown development, <br /> we have momentum and we're doing well,but in some ways,the outside perspectives were a little <br /> sobering. We're about a third (1/3) or a fourth (1/4) of the way there in terms of the density we <br /> need for long term sustainability. Finally, marketing our Innovation District and opportunities for <br /> investment,which is part of the federal tax reform bill passed in December. It instructed states that <br /> they can designate about a fourth of their LMI census tracts, and so Governor Holcomb designated <br /> five (5) within South Bend, and they extend what you might call our Innovation District, from <br /> Ignition Park to Innovation Park. They also did the South East tract with Ivy Tech. These used to <br /> be where the Regional Cities Projects are,the certified tech park bonds. With that, I'll call up our <br /> team members to give their top three (3) goals for 2019. <br /> Dan Buckenmeyer, Director of Business Development for the Department of Community <br /> Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, I appreciate this <br /> opportunity to give a couple of our goals for both this year and next year. This year, we've <br /> accomplished the disposition of some of the key properties that were under City ownership such <br /> as the VA,the Michigan Street Shops, and the former Hall of Fame building. We're proud of what <br /> we did there, all of those deals were smart and meaningfully crafted to be the best for the City and <br /> put those properties in the hands of experienced developers who will create great outcomes for our <br /> residents. The second (2"d) one (1) is the expansion and enhancement of the workforce <br /> development Pathways program that my team manages. Already this year, one hundred twenty- <br /> four(124)individuals have benefited from City grants allowing them to advance their own careers <br /> and earnings through training and certification in a number of career areas. This year we expanded <br /> the program scope, the number of consultants we have on the street reaching out to a broader <br /> demographic and a broader geography of residents, and the budget were all expanded, and I think <br /> we're seeing the results of that as James mentioned. We just started a partnership with Purdue <br /> Manufacturing Extension, we have forty-eight (48) individuals from a consortium of companies <br /> right now that are going through a LEAN training. Their capstone will be an "on the shop floor" <br /> experience which you'll all get invitations to. We'd like to present some of the outcomes and <br /> success stories at a future Council meeting. It also backs right into our goal of increasing median <br /> incomes across the City and region by raising these folks.A third(3rd) is continuous improvement <br /> on the tax abatement process and tracking in DCI. As you know, we've identified some of these <br /> legacy issues with assessments,waivers and of course some of the extensions we did just recently. <br /> We're looking at the overall process to prevent these from being continuous burdens. <br /> He continued, Key items for next year include the Technology Resource Center at Ignition Park. <br /> This has a goal of providing one(1)of the coolest high-tech showrooms on this side of the Country, <br /> but also churning out a lot of high-tech,high-wage workers and fostering a tech hub in South Bend, <br /> halting the brain-drain. We're also focusing on the continued enhancement of Ignition Park in <br /> general through portfolio expansion, retention and attraction activities with companies, and the <br /> development of the Franklin Street technology park adjacent to it, and the marketing of Ignition <br /> Park as part of the opportunity zone here in the City. A second(2"d)would be ongoing, continued <br /> enhancement and expansion of the Pathways workforce development program. Looking for new <br /> ways to integrate it with the Bloomberg grant activities on transportation issues which are <br /> paramount for a lot of our workers in the City. Also, we're working with folks at the Drucker <br /> Institute, integrating this with the City's Lifelong Learning Program, and also continuing to <br /> enhance wrap around services for the folks going through these programs in South Bend. The third <br /> (3rd)is the ongoing expansion of support for our small businesses,through inclusive programs that <br /> reach across the community providing critical support to small businesses and minority businesses <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld 1 South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211 f574.235.9173]TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 9 <br />