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Personnel and Finance Committee <br />January 28, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />receive similar increase as those proposed for the Teamsters. He has filed an <br />ordinance which will receive first reading this evening which would also increase the <br />salaries of non-bargaining employees to the 3% level. Mayor Luecke stated that he is <br />requesting that both ordinances be made retroactive to January 1, 2008. <br />Interim City Controller John Murphy stated that the proposed Teamster increases "are <br />affordable and within budget". He noted that not all salaried positions are filled. The <br />City Administration will monitor the situation and if necessary will file an additional <br />appropriation. <br />Jim Scucz Business Agent for Teamsters Local Union No. 364, with offices located at <br />2405 East Edison in South Bend noted that he and Robert Warnock III are in favor of <br />Bill No. 89-07. <br />No one from the public spoke in opposition. <br />Council Member Kirsits made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that Bill No. 89-07 be <br />recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Bill No. 08-10: Resolution Regarding The Lease for the New Public Works Service <br />Center: <br />Council Member LaFountain called for the formal presentation on Bill No. 08-10 which <br />addresses an amendment of the lease with the City of South Bend Building Corporation <br />dated March 1, 2001 and an Addendum to the Lease dated April 23, 2001 regarding the <br />construction and equipping of a new Public Works Service Center Facility. <br />Interim City Controller John Murphy made the formal presentation. The resolution will <br />authorize the city of South Bend Building Corporation to refund its 2001 COIT Lease <br />Rental Revenue Bonds. As a result of this action, the city should realize a savings in <br />debt service costs of about $90,000 per year for years 2008 through 2021. <br />Hershel Frierson of Crowe Chizek, Indianapolis, Indiana noted that with declining <br />interest rates, an interest rate of 3.7% will equal between $88,000 to $92,000 of savings <br />per year. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Mr. Frierson stated that the projected yearly <br />savings is the amount after the cost of issuance. Re-issuance costs are calculated to <br />be about $185,000. <br />Council Member Kirsits made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that Bill No. 08-10 be <br />recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />