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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, that is a good question. I asked this to the Mayor too. What is that <br /> debt number. Households and businesses have workable debt and that is what we look at for the <br /> City as well. We must look at the return investment. We know CSO would bankrupt the City <br /> probably three (3) times over. I think we need to set some examples down the road so that people <br /> can understand the budget and bonds. I know at one (1) point Dr. Varner put together how much <br /> it's costing each individual for CSO, which as least defines where we stand per person and where <br /> we stand as the City. <br /> Councilmember Teshka stated, especially with this debt conversation, I think the focus is how <br /> much is too much? <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, it really starts with the Mayor to say this is what we need to tag on <br /> to do whatever we want to do to in our City and it's up to us to agree to go with that, we are all <br /> accountable. Are we going too high or too low? <br /> Mr. Frierson stated, Thanks for your question, the one (1) thing from a commentary standpoint, <br /> someone might say one (1) thing is higher than the other. One (1) of the good reasons why you <br /> have a credit rating is to get an outside perspective on a global basis on where the City stands. <br /> Individuals like myself as a municipal advisor, I have a judicial duty to make sure the City has the <br /> capacity to issue debt. I have a duty to make sure the bonds that were put into place make sense. <br /> Before we even come to you, we are working on this months before hand, we're going through <br /> analyzing what is the revenue capacity of the City. What does this potential debt look like, what <br /> does the debt service look like, and what is the coverage—we do a lot of what are called stress <br /> tests.These tell us what happens if the revenues fall behind fifteen percent(15%),is the City going <br /> to be struggling, or if a certain tax payer leaves, what does this do to the City. We work with the <br /> Deputy Controller to work out the pros and cons and what is your capacity. We put this side up, <br /> from a GO standpoint (this is very key) because you are at a Double A (AA) rating and what that <br /> says globally is that you can meet your financial capacity commitment. So, we go through our <br /> process, then go through the rating agency and the process to give their rating. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, Is the reason why Indianapolis has a Double A(AA) rating because <br /> it's their size or is it more than that?Is it worth it for us in South Bend to do this process to get the <br /> Triple A(AAA)rating? <br /> Mr. Frierson answered,There are various reasons and I don't want to get into that. There are some <br /> in your control and there are some that are not. There are only two (2) cities in Indiana that are at <br /> a Triple A(AAA) status(Fishers and Cannel). What I will say is that we always like to go through <br /> the write up after the rating to see what other opportunities are within the City. <br /> Councilmember Jo Broden stated, I think the Council would be interested in a follow up of this <br /> conversation. <br /> Mr. Frierson answered, When the Zoo Bond passes, we will be going through that process of the <br /> rating and I encourage everyone to read that report because the report really details what the City <br /> is doing, and what are some of the potential growth areas in the City. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, Can we get a copy of this on the website and have it emailed to me? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011p <br /> 13 <br />