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RMMMW ZONING AND ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 12 -12 -11 <br />COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Al "Buddy" Kirsits. Tom LaFountain, <br />David Varner <br />OTHER COUNCIL PRESENT: Ann Puzzello, Tim Rouse, Karen White <br />OTHER'S PRESENT: Don Inks, Chuck Bulot, Murray Miller, Tom Bodnar, <br />Mike Danch, Kevin Allen, Aladean DeRose, Rita Kopala, <br />Gary Gilot, Gregg Zientara, Tim Maher, Mayor Stephen <br />Luecke, Christa Nayder, Mark Lyons, Corey Cressy <br />AGENDA: Bill No. 58 -11 — Rezone 717 E. LaSalle <br />Bill No. 63 -11 — Rezone 1145 Northside <br />Bill No. 11 -63 — Special Exception 1145 Northside <br />Noting a caucus present to conduct business Chairperson Al "Buddy" Kirsits called upon <br />Christa Nayder of the Area Plan Commission for their summary review of Bill No. 58 -11. <br />This bill, she reported, had received a unanimous favorable recommendation from the <br />APC. <br />Mike Danch, a registered surveyor, representing the City made a brief explanation <br />presentation aided by a site plan (attached) he provided for the committee. He explained <br />the rezone request was for the Family Dollar lot to bring it into conformity with <br />surrounding properties all part of the new high school. <br />Tim Maher, Vice - President of the St. Joseph High School Board of Directors and Mayor <br />Luecke both spoke in favor of the request. <br />Councilmember Varner asked who was to bear the costs of demolition of the Family <br />Dollar Building. The Mayor said the high school would pay. <br />Subsequently the committee sent the bill to full Council favorably on a motion by Tom <br />LaFountain, seconded by Varner and supported by all. <br />Chairperson Kirsits then asked for the APC recommendation for Bill No. 63 -11. <br />