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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> on these tonight, we are pushing either the last meeting in November or possibly the first (1St) <br /> meeting in December. That normally does not seem like much but, in annexations,the annexations <br /> cannot become effective in the year preceding a census. <br /> Councilmember Karen White arrived at the meeting at 4:33 p.m. <br /> Mr.Palmer continued, So,the annexation could not become effective in 2019.If it normally would <br /> be effective in that year, it is automatically put out until January 1, 2020, and that is the year the <br /> next census will take place. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic asked, So, from the date of passage, is annexation immediate or <br /> is there a lag? So say, in early December if we made a decision to annex, would there a twenty <br /> (20) day period lag until, so it would be pushed into January? <br /> Mr. Palmer replied, It becomes effective when the Mayor signs it. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic followed up, So it can be immediate, ok. And I understand there are <br /> some time windows if we delay today if we would have to push out. Is there a restriction to a <br /> window where we have to hear this within a certain period of time? <br /> Mr.Palmer replied,There is a window if it's just an annexation itself but because it involves zoning <br /> also, that window doesn't apply. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic followed up, So there is no window? <br /> Mr. Palmer replied,No,there is not. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, So therefore, the financial plan that we are looking at today, if we <br /> hear some parts and there are some issues of delay on the reason of our discussions,the next time <br /> the financial plan would have to be advertised is twenty(20) days from today? Is that what you're <br /> saying?If we don't pass the fiscal plan today, when is the next time we have hear the fiscal plans? <br /> Mr. Palmer replied, The fiscal plan can be heard at the next meeting, in two (2)weeks. <br /> Committee Chair Davis followed up, Then after the fiscal plan is approved, then you have the <br /> twenty(20) day window, or what? <br /> Mr. Palmer replied, After the fiscal plan is approved, you can have the hearing on the annexation <br /> ordinance on the same day, you just cannot pass the ordinance until fourteen(14) days later. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, Ok. So,the hearing can be dealt with if we are looking at time.And <br /> the only reason I share this with you, if you look over the Z & A minutes, there was some issues <br /> of contention because we have two (2) different farms that have two (2) different concerns. We <br /> have met with some trying to clear up everything else. Personally, when we work with zoning <br /> issues as we have done in the past we like to try to clear up as much as we can before we finalize <br /> it. I'm at peace. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211 f574.235.91731 TTD574.235.5567I <br /> 2 <br />