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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Axe <br /> Mr. Wyatt stated, This is the same information I just presented about the annexation and rezoning <br /> to GI, General Industrial District. This comes to you with a favorable recommendation from the <br /> Area Plan Commission. <br /> Ms. Primmer referred to her aforementioned remarks for this bill. <br /> Committee Chair Davis then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Mr. Corcoran made it known that he would like his aforementioned remarks to be part of the public <br /> record for support of this bill. <br /> Steve Matthys, 57572 Mayflower Road, stated, I am the owner of S&S Matthys Farms and <br /> managing partner of Ronald and Beverly Matthys LLC. This property that should be the next slide <br /> (referencing the presentation), I presume, showing Ceres. <br /> Committee Chair Davis interjected, We are still on Blad. <br /> Mr. Matthys stated, If this is GI and they have Fire Station Five (5) which is a single-stall fire <br /> station on Prairie Avenue, if they bring large-scale industrial and more than the Ethanol Plant <br /> already has,there is no ladder truck there. I think they need to have a lot more infrastructure. As it <br /> sits the way it is right now, they will keep farming until they find a buyer but if heavy industrial <br /> goes in, it will put a burden on the City that they will have to provide a lot more fire protection. <br /> We don't know about the water and the sewer. We don't know if that is adequate to handle <br /> whatever GI puts in. Now, it probably can hold what Light Industrial or Commercial does. But <br /> heavy industrial, I think the City will be spending a lot more money on infrastructure. Look what <br /> they had to do with the Ethanol Plant. When the Ethanol Plant shut down, the City spent, what, <br /> $150,000 to drive a few wells that aren't even being used now because the Ethanol Plant is back <br /> open. They have so much mixed use there. There are homes along Calvert that should never have <br /> been built. The ones that are there should have been bought up if they want this to be heavy <br /> industrial or general industrial. Instead, somehow those homes got built, the basements got <br /> flooded, the Ethanol Plant got shut down for two (2) years, the water tables rise, and then they <br /> spend a bunch of money for wells that probably should have bought the homes up. That would <br /> have solved the problem. But to say there will not be any more money by the City if this comes in <br /> as General Industrial, and it gets sold and built, we don't know what that could be. It could be a <br /> Toyota Plant, a tire shop,warehousing, but it is too vague for it to come in as General Industrial. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 34-18 to the full Council with no <br /> recommendation. Committeemember Voorde seconded this motion which carried by a voice vote <br /> of five (5) ayes. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated Bill Nos. 18-58 & 35-18 will be heard together but voted on <br /> separately. He stated, We will hear the public hearing combined on this so we will all be clear on <br /> that. Everybody, we are hearing the public hearing combined. Are we all clear? Ok, let's move <br /> forward. Thank you. <br /> Bill No. 18-58- Ceres Annexation Area Fiscal Plan <br /> Bill No. 35-18- Ceres Annexation Area <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211f574.235.9173', <br /> 15 <br />