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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair Davis followed up, So,I mean,I'm going to try to consider those kinds of things. <br /> We could go into a lower kind of a situation and then if a big industry comes, then the neighbors <br /> and community can come and discuss if they want that. Right now, if we go ahead and vote on <br /> this,that discussion doesn't take place. It is all done. <br /> Councilmember Teshka asked, So at this point, we can't separate the two (2), correct? <br /> • Mr. Palmer replied, Correct. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, Unless you vote it down. <br /> Councilmember Teshka stated, But that would mess up the timeline. And that is what my initial <br /> questions were getting at. If we bring this in as GI, we kind of skirt all the discussion around a <br /> specific proposal that comes later on down the road. To Mr. Divita's point, if we would have just <br /> allowed it to be annexed in and it was defaulted to Single-Family or even Commercial, we would <br /> have at least had another chance to come at this when a proposed project comes around. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, That is my concern. <br /> Councilmember Teshka stated, Say we vote this down tonight. That would push this past that <br /> deadline? <br /> Mr. Palmer replied, If you push it out beyond the deadline, it cannot become effective until 2020. <br /> Committee Chair Davis interjected,That is what I was trying to get at. Is there any way this project <br /> can still be annexed and we make an amendment to what was done in Area Plan?Do we have that <br /> kind of power? If we make any changes, does the whole thing get on out? My thought on it, and I <br /> was talking to some people, I haven't talked to everybody but I've talked to some of them about <br /> it, the annexation makes sense to me, ok? I think everybody in this whole room, that is not where <br /> we are, that's not even a disagreement. But what I've heard from the different farmers and from <br /> people who are around there,it is the type of zoning we are planning to give it. That is the concern. <br /> When it came back, and I asked this question to Area Plan, is there any particular use for it? They <br /> answered no, nothing in the future. To me, it is very concerning for me to leave something that <br /> wide open that I voted on in that district that we are trying to build up, and then, boom. Here we <br /> are with a second (2nd) car shredder or another something like that and that is not cool. So the <br /> question comes in, can we get this through so we can deal with the Census issue and then come <br /> back and deal with that? Can we amend that in our power? That's why I said we may need to <br /> research that part of it and come back. You see why I wanted to get some time with the attorneys? <br /> I really want this thing to annex in but what the use of it will be is the concern that I have. I think <br /> the community on the West Side and even the whole community needs to able to weigh in on the <br /> type of business that will be utilized there. When people just see a farming thing, they might not <br /> even know that and they realize the issue was already down. Prime example,when we did zoning, <br /> and most of this Committee wasn't here, for the Oliver Apartments, it was zoned for a grandparent <br /> home. That did not materialize and all of the sudden the Oliver Apartments came in there and the <br /> neighbors did not know about it but they didn't have to come back because it already had that zone <br /> and we found out about it in the news. They asked why it didn't come before the zoning board of <br /> the City Council and that was because it was already zoned that way.And so,therefore,a homeless <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld l South Bend,Indiana 466011 p574.235.92211 f 574.235.91731 TTD 574.235.5567 k <br /> 12 <br />