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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Broden went on,And actually,who cares about the report?Relative to actual need <br /> of people identified as the most vulnerable and unhoused in our community. I guess I would like <br /> to emphasize that putting a coordinator in place, now, and having a placeholder, would enable us <br /> to take off some of the pressures that Fire,Police and Code are seeing. We are having entities leave <br /> the City of South Bend. Businesses are being challenged and are moving out of certain areas of <br /> our City. We also want to be welcoming in certain areas of our City. Then, as Council Members, <br /> we are looking for a solution as well and I guess I want to just elevate,either within the department <br /> itself which you indicated could happen,or not,but actually plug in some dollars and acknowledge <br /> that we don't want the full brunt of it. It should be a public-private partnership but I think if we <br /> fail, we will continue to have the same burdens on our health system, public safety officials, and <br /> our neighborhood groups if we aren't actively putting someone in place. If other Council Members <br /> hadn't received it,this is the letter that was shared by the Coalition on Housing. These are the folks <br /> that have been operating in the sphere for years and it is a broad-based group. They are asking for <br /> us as Council to consider it. I guess I'm trying to keep the dollar slot there and open because we <br /> all feel pressure but we also want to be in the neighborhoods and a part of the solution. It is this <br /> scattered site housing that is so critical and I just think we have to do something different than <br /> what we've always been doing.And that is not to say that we haven't been moving,I'm just saying <br /> it is a critical time now and it is reasonable after two (2) years after the Amnesty Challenge was <br /> put out there for Council. I think it is really time to plug something into the budget that is dedicated <br /> leadership and coordination and then is strategic in terms of trying to get additional funding. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, It is critical to address the homelessness issue and that we have <br /> programs in place. As we cannot increase the budget, what we can do is make recommendations <br /> and then it is up to the Administration to come back to find out where those dollars would come <br /> from. What I would like to suggest is to give an opportunity, a timeframe of the discussion, and to <br /> come back to this Council in January 2019 because we have always been able to add additional <br /> funding to our budgets. The position is needed and I don't know who all the key partners are as <br /> well as what percentage in terms of the financial perspective. I think there are a lot of questions <br /> that need to be addressed. We need to have a timeframe and the Administration needs to come <br /> back to the Council first (1St)thing next year with all those questions addressed. <br /> Dr. Mueller replied, There is a meeting later this week on October 11th,2018 at the Youth Service <br /> Bureau. We placed on the agenda the discussion about job description and potential funding <br /> sources. This is getting partly into the philosophical question about budget. How mature does an <br /> idea have to be to make the budget? I think this one (1), we thought at the time, was a little less <br /> mature and we weren't quite clear of where it was coming from, where it would sit and all those <br /> things so we didn't include it in the budget but it is certainly a priority of this Administration to <br /> actively service this issue.We need to make sure we are getting the right guidance to the continuum <br /> of care as well as coordinating our homeless service.We added eighteen(18)permanent supportive <br /> housing units this year but we know we have a ways to go and that will require outside funding <br /> partners. This is a priority for the Administration so we would be happy to come back when we <br /> have a more mature idea of how that would work. <br /> Committee Chair White then asked, Do you have a timeframe of when you will be able to come <br /> back with a more comprehensive job description and information regarding the funding sources? <br /> Dr. Mueller replied, I think after the discussion at Thursday's meeting we will have a better sense <br /> of the timing. Right now I can't commit to anything else. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574 235.92211f574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 6 <br />