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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> them so we are just trying to better understand what all of them do and see if we need to roll them <br /> up into our department or just leave them where they are. We want to maintain our double-a(AA) <br /> bond rating and increase our safety training. I was excited to see that Code Enforcement brought <br /> that up.And like I said a moment ago,we are implementing our new Enterprise Resource Planning <br /> (ERP) system, or our accounting software, in 2019. That is going to be a huge lift not only for us <br /> but for any of our departments that touch the system. That will be a big lift for all of us. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, In the August 29,2018 City budget overview you sent out to us,was <br /> it a typo that said our deficit is $77,237,436? When it said the grand total showed surplus or a <br /> deficit? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, That is not a typo. A lot of that is due to us receiving the bond funds in <br /> 2018 and now we are spending them in 2019. So looking at that cash reserve report and also <br /> looking at the individual Funds will give you a clearer picture. I sometimes cringe giving out these <br /> summary reports because they don't always mean what they look like they mean. <br /> Councilmember Davis interjected,Because when you look at this it looks like we owe$77 million. <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, But a lot of it is, say, we got a $25 million bond at the end of 2017. So <br /> that showed up in revenue in 2017 but when you get to 2018 that revenue won't show up but the <br /> expenses will show up in 2018. It is not a typo but it is very explainable. <br /> Councilmember Davis followed up, It's very explainable? So when I try to explain this or try to <br /> explain this, is there any way to what you just did and what you said for you to break that down? <br /> And then when you look at bonds, what is your vision and opinion of when we have too many <br /> bonds? Could that affect our credit rating and make other issues? Could you plan on giving us <br /> some dialogue on that next week? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, Yes, absolutely. That is most of what we are going to talk about next <br /> week. <br /> Committee Chair White asked, When you look at how much money has been identified for vacant <br /> and abandoned homes, at what point do we consider us having addressed all the homes and have <br /> spent enough money? Could you give me a sense of how much has been allocated, spent, and how <br /> many homes have been demolished or renovated?And what is the percentage that is still left? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull confirmed, I will follow up with you on those numbers. <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka left the meeting at 6:18 p.m. <br /> Ms.Hockenhull stated,Central Services became a division of Administration and Finance in 2018. <br /> This (referencing a slide in the presentation) is their budget here. We've got some numbers upon <br /> the screen that you can hopefully see. Their budget is roughly$9.6 million. Within that it includes <br /> about$4.5 million of utilities for the entire City Government as a whole. That is managed through <br /> Central Services because it then allows us to put an administrative fee to our departments for <br /> looking at the utilities and making sure we are managing them. That allows us to fund our Facility <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld'South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 J f574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 17 <br />