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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> environmental actions from previous years. There is not a lot of money coming in and we've had <br /> a reserve in that Fund for a while. This year Water Works is going to spend some of that. There is <br /> more detail in your packet. We have the Cumulative Capital Development Fund and that is <br /> property tax funded. It is used to pay for Police Vehicle Capital leases. I think that was briefly <br /> mentioned in the Police Department Budget presentation last week. We are getting fifteen (15) <br /> new hybrid vehicles that are budgeted for in 2019 but we lease them and pay for them over five <br /> (5) years. Then the Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund actually has an expected decrease in <br /> property tax revenue in 2019. That is cigarette tax that goes into that Fund. We did call the <br /> Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) to ask them why they were projecting <br /> decreases in the revenues and they said that they are just collecting less revenue which means they <br /> are selling less cigarettes which is a good thing although it sounds like perhaps vaping has taken <br /> its place so I did ask if they would start taxing the vaping stuff and they weren't quite sure on that. <br /> As of right now that Fund is expected to decrease and in 2019 we are expected to spend some of <br /> those funds on the My SB Parks & Trails Program. <br /> She went on, We also manage the Unemployment Compensation Fund. We've had quite hefty <br /> reserves in that Fund over the years. Our unemployment claims continue to be very low so we <br /> don't actually charge departments for that right now. We are self-funded so if someone claims <br /> unemployment against us, we pay it out. We don't pay into a Fund at the State level like most <br /> employers do. Since we are a municipality,we don't have to do that.We are using the cash reserves <br /> in that Fund for 2019. We expect we maybe need to start charging departments again in 2020 so <br /> they are factoring that into their budgets but as of right now, it has got very healthy cash reserves. <br /> The Parental Leave Fund #714 is a new benefit established in 2018. Many employees have taken <br /> advantage of this Fund and Kyra Clark will talk about that shortly when she talks about Human <br /> Resources. It is funded through a departmental allocation of a quarter percent (0.25%) for full- <br /> time wages. The cash reserves need to be evaluated. It is a new Fund and we are still trying to hit <br /> that sweet spot. We aren't sure who is and isn't going to use it so we just continue to monitor that. <br /> She continued,We also have Debt Funds that we manage.I am going to breeze through these since <br /> we have an entire hour to talk about debt next week so I won't belabor this too much here. We <br /> oversee the Debt Service Payments for the Parks Bond. The Hall of Fame has gone away and that <br /> levy has now been transferred up to that Parks Bond. We've got the TIF, Park Bond,Debt Service <br /> reserve and the Parks Bond Debt Service reserve. All that is basically just a savings account for <br /> that final debt payment that happens at the very end of the bond. There is also the Professional <br /> Sports Development Fund,the final payment will be made in 2019 and that relates to the Coveleski <br /> Stadium.This is a great example of the debt service reserve because we've got$525,000 that you'll <br /> see as a transfer into that Fund and that is that debt service reserve that was set aside many years <br /> ago when that bond was originally taken out and now we are going to use that to go ahead and pay <br /> off the bond in 2019. <br /> She went on, We have an Equipment and Leasing Fund #750. That is basically like a trust fund. <br /> We take out a capital lease for all of the department's budgets for their capital needs within their <br /> Fund. So you've got your trucks, cars and everything you can imagine people need and then are <br /> budgeted for. We then go out, request a lease from a bank, those funds, if they're not held by the <br /> bank, go into this fund so that they are segregated from everything else. We can see everything <br /> that is paid out of them. This is more of just an in and an out. The proceeds come in from the bank <br /> and they go out to the various vendors we are buying the equipment from. It allows us to very <br /> easily manage that whole process. You will also see the Building Corp Fund which is included in <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld l South Bend,Indiana 466011p 574.235.92211f 574.235.91731 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 15 <br />