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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND 1 OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Enforcement as well as Zoo and Parks bond payments of roughly $702,000. We realized, today, <br /> that number is a little bit high so that will probably go down a bit before it comes to you for final <br /> approval. You will also see that when we come to talk to you about the Zoo bond in a few weeks. <br /> About $3 million is set aside for PSAP, or, the 911 Center. You'll see it all in the very detailed <br /> budget information. There is a deduction for about$200,000 and I just wanted to quickly state that <br /> is because the County deducts from our EDIT payments to make the debt service payments for <br /> PSAP. So we are just trying to be consistent with the way we show it. So$3 million is what it costs <br /> to run the PSAP Center and that is why you'll see it at about$2.8 million in the detail. Then there <br /> is about$2.1 million set aside for neighborhood engagement projects, which again, will be talked <br /> about in the DCI presentation. With all these items included as we project out in the coming years, <br /> we still have very strong cash reserves in this particular fund until 2022. When we look at our <br /> Funds,we look at them as General Plus Funds. You might hear us talk about it in that respect. Our <br /> General Plus Funds include COIT, EDIT, Public Safety LOIT as well as the General Fund. We <br /> look at those as one (1) big group. If one (1) Fund appears to be suffering a bit, we can transfer <br /> money between those four (4) Funds because all of that money is able to be spent on any legal <br /> purpose. <br /> She went on, The Liability Insurance Fund was touched on a little bit by Stephanie Steele and the <br /> Legal Department presentation. We oversee the entirety of the Fund. This is the first (1St) year in <br /> several years that we are fully charging all of the departments one hundred percent (100%) of the <br /> burden of that Fund. This is one (1) of those Funds where we always budget high with the hope <br /> that we will spend way less than what we budget for. That gives us the flexibility to continue to <br /> work and to continue to meet the needs of the City. When folks say our allocations increased, this <br /> is what they are talking about because several of the departments were kind of given a break on <br /> this as a way to balance the budget but this year, all of the burden is being allocated. This budget <br /> consists of Safety and Risk Management which includes personnel and training costs for the City. <br /> It includes our self-insured liability, so funding any claims against the City as well as personnel to <br /> manage those claims. Business insurance includes our business premiums as well as claims for <br /> catastrophic events. For instance if there is a hole in the roof at one (1) of our facilities and it is a <br /> smaller department that can't quite fund a whole new roof to be replaced but it still needs fixing, <br /> we go ahead and help them with that if insurance proceeds won't kick in. Also, worker's <br /> compensation. We fund the Worker's Compensation Fund. <br /> She continued, I believe earlier in August 2018, I sent out an email that really walked through all <br /> of the allocations line by line so I won't go into talking about that again but know if you have any <br /> questions,I am happy to answer them. We are showing a small deficit spend in this Fund for 2019. <br /> However, we have adequate reserves based on best practices and also all of our incurred but not <br /> reported claims. Those are things we have incurred but we haven't yet paid,we do have acceptable <br /> levels of reserves in that Fund. Our goal is to eventually get to a$5 million balance in that Fund <br /> because our Legal Department really feels is a good and strong balance in that Fund. We are <br /> working toward that and are not there yet. Should something catastrophic happen, we do have the <br /> Rainy Day Fund which I will talk about in just a minute. <br /> She went on, We also have our self-funded Employee Benefits Fund, which is Fund #711. That <br /> takes care of all the health insurance as well as life insurance. Anything related directly to our <br /> employees, we fund through Fund #711. Based on our reports from our third (3rd) party <br /> administrators, it costs about$16,900 per employee to fund our health insurance program we have <br /> through the City. We have always charged what our health insurance company has stated and that <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend.Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211f1f574.235.9173111 D 574.235.55671 <br /> 13 <br />