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CITY OF SOUTH BEND 1 OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak on the <br /> proposed 2019 Code Enforcement budget. <br /> Jesse Davis, P.O. Box 10205, stated, The one (1) gentleman that came up and was talking about <br /> Code Enforcement had made a comment about the Landlord Registration and possibly not being <br /> around next year?He said he would touch on that a little later and I was wondering what that was <br /> all about. <br /> Ms. Skibins replied, It is on hold because there is a legal issue they are trying to hash out, so right <br /> now, it is just on a voluntary basis. We are encouraging people to register but it is not required and <br /> there are no fees. <br /> Mr. Davis interjected, I'm just curious because when that came to the Council, we passed it and <br /> there were questions about legality. We passed it anyway like we seem to everything and now we <br /> are in a legal standstill, so. <br /> Council President Tim Scott stated, Just to clarify, it is the City of Hammond that has the legal <br /> issue, so all cities are looking at their landlord registration. The legal issue is between the State <br /> and Hammond. When we passed ours, everything was legal and fine. Hammond is being <br /> challenged but everyone is being prudent on it. <br /> Administration and Finance <br /> Jen Hockenhull, City Controller for the City of South Bend with offices located on the 12th floor <br /> of the County-City Building, stated, Good evening, Council. Today I'm here to present to you our <br /> own departmental budget. I often feel like the gardener with the brown grass as we focus on <br /> everybody else's budget and then our budget seems to be the last we look at. We don't have a <br /> whole lot of our specific budget today to talk about. We are doing a lot of the same things we have <br /> always done and basically the same Personnel, the same Supplies and the same Professional <br /> Services. So before you tonight, we are going to talk more about the big picture, the Funds we <br /> handle specifically that a lot of the departments touch on. So if I'm missing anything as we go <br /> through this and you would like to know something specifically about Administration and Finance <br /> that I am not covering,please stop me and let me know. <br /> She continued, So tonight we'll be talking about Administration and Finance including Safety and <br /> • Risk, which has its own stand-alone Fund. Central Services has a stand-alone Fund as well. This <br /> is the second (2"1) year that Central Services is included with Administration and Finance, not <br /> Public Works. We are still working through that but I think it has been a really great partnership. <br /> Then also, Human Capital and Inclusion which includes Human Resources, Human Rights and <br /> Diversity and Inclusion. The reason we are all here together today is because as we are working <br /> through our new ERP system, or accounting system,we still all sit in the same Fund. We are all in <br /> the General Fund in the Division of Administration and Finance because that is where, originally, <br /> it was set up. Once we get a new ERP system and it is easier to splice things out to set things apart, <br /> you'll see Human Resources and Diversity and Inclusion have their own stand-alone budgets. But <br /> for the purpose of tonight and the 2019 budget, we are all in one (1) bucket. I think we've done a <br /> very good job in the detail of breaking down all these items so you can individually see what is <br /> Administration and Finance, what is Human Resources and what is Diversity and Inclusion, but <br /> again, if you have any questions,please let us know. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 I f574.235.9173I TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 11 <br />