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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, But that's the Building Department,right?As soon as that permit <br /> is pulled,there are going to be some calculations. My last point is, embedded in each of these <br /> agreements was an annual compliance check. Was it done in 2016 or 2017? Were there annual <br /> compliance checks? <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, Those are the waivers we bring to you, when they're out of compliance. We <br /> find those when we do the annual reports, that's when we bring them to you. <br /> Council Member Broden stated, So everyone is submitting their paperwork to you, and there is a <br /> duty to do the survey in these agreements. <br /> Mr. Mueller answered, Yes. They're upholding their requirements. Last year, before we <br /> instituted the new process of notification,there were a lot of cases. We had a number of waivers. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Obviously I'm thrilled with the investments, but some of these <br /> are mixed in the actual applications that we got. We had X amount of money, but then it was <br /> across three (3) different projects within a particular address. What's what, and have we actually <br /> hit the marks in terms of what's anticipated,that's a little bit more difficult to track. I am more <br /> interested in not seeing this process become a catch up going forward. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I agree with a lot of the things that Jo says. Since I've been on <br /> Council, we've had four (4) directors of Community Investment, so we average a new director <br /> every twenty-one (21)months. Hopefully you're around a little bit longer, but we've seen you <br /> put together a team with the City, and right or wrong, I like the fact that this is a proactive <br /> process. Our predecessors need to understand that, and yours do too,that putting processes like <br /> this is place is good. Is there a statutory limit on the length of the designation period? <br /> Dan Buckenmeyer, Department of Community Investment on the 14th Floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, From a general sense, we are looking at changing the designation period from a <br /> standard two (2) years to a standard four(4) years,to avoid this in the future. We're going to try <br /> that and balance it. We don't want to sacrifice incentives for them to move forward in a timely <br /> fashion. It will take a few years for this to take effect, but this will help us avoid this in the <br /> future. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic stated, There are certainly greater incentives. Your tax abatement is <br /> pushing the projects forward in terms of trying to cash flow your project. They're continuously <br /> improving, and we appreciate that. I don't think that we can expect them to have all of the <br /> problems solved forever, or that something isn't going to get dropped at some point by any of the <br /> offices involved. People make mistakes, and that's why we have a process for people to come <br /> back and rectify those mistakes. This is the reason there is a process for a waiver. Maybe we're <br /> decreasing the percentage of mistakes, but since there are a lot more projects going on, we'll <br /> probably continue to see these. <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, It seems like a no brainer when you've invested more money than you <br /> anticipated, we're happy to have you continue to invest, we want you to invest more. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor for public comment. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601.1 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 7 <br />