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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> looking for partnerships with IUSB,there's some other groups throughout the community that we <br /> are hoping to work with. In a lot of these cases one (1) of our big transitions as a division is that <br /> we are looking for ways to cultivate recreational opportunities that will reignite our City. So in <br /> that ideology of this mission statement, we are not looking to say our staff has to be equipped with <br /> all skills to do these things or we have to expend ourselves because we know that to bring on <br /> additional staff,we know that's a lot of overhead,extra labor expenses that we don't have. It makes <br /> sense that the more we can partner with people in our community and the teams that are already <br /> experts in these areas, it's a better use of resources and it allows for us to shift our focus to other <br /> areas, other gaps we can serve while we have people already working these certain areas to step in <br /> and give them more of an opportunity. <br /> Ms. Collier asked, Are any other people that work in the innovation parts included in all of this <br /> networking partnership and collaboration? <br /> Mr. Jones responded, in that sense I would say that we are not sure and we could definitely work <br /> towards that. The Code School is somewhat connected with the Metro Net and we have people <br /> that are always connected through all of those circles. <br /> Ms. Collier replied, I didn't know they were all included. Thank you. <br /> Committee Chair White followed up, Are there any other comments or concerns regarding the <br /> Charles Black Center? I do know that Ms. Taylor and her staff will be working back from the <br /> proposed opening deadline date and you will be getting updates regarding the progress of the <br /> Center. So that if any individuals would come to ask you, you can say based on the information <br /> that we have this is the target date. And also I would encourage you, Mr. Perri has opened the <br /> Center to do a walking tour. Aaron, who should they contact? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, Contact Cynthia Taylor. We are still working on some sneak peek dates and the <br /> construction companies to make sure it's safe for you all to come in.Please give us plenty of notice <br /> and we can get some sneak peeks in. <br /> Committee Chair White followed up,I also heard that the committee continues to plan towards the <br /> grand opening but also beyond that a member of the neighborhood association, will be a part of <br /> that committee as well. Did I hear that correctly? The tours and the programing, would like to <br /> share with you that the Code School is a partner with the City of South Bend but also with the <br /> neighborhood association and about two (2) month ago AT&T presented a $5,000 check for the <br /> Code School if I am not mistaken for the Charles Black Center? So that relationship is there and <br /> we are looking forward to expanding that relationship with AT&T as well. Yes Mr. Printen. <br /> Robert Printen, 305 South Street, South Bend, IN stated, There's a resource center on Western <br /> Ave that is for Hispanics and an African American woman went in there for some information and <br /> they told her this center was for Hispanics. My question is I heard that the Hispanics are going to <br /> have an office in the Charles Black Center, I want to be put on record about what is happening. <br /> Mr. Perri interjected, We have been in conversation with Sam Centellas and for the record that <br /> conversation never happened. I don't know where that started. I wish Henry was here to hear this <br /> being said as well. This conversation never happened, and I don't know where that rumor came <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building(227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 8 <br />