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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> bigger, a little bit more space, we are looking to do a culinary arts program where kids will learn <br /> how to cook,use kitchen utensils,and you never know,they may become a chef. So we are looking <br /> forward to that. Another thing since we are going to be focused more on the arts, we are going to <br /> be doing some photograph classes. Kids can learn how to become photographers, take pictures, <br /> and just learn the basics of photography. So those are just some of things that will give you a brief <br /> outline of what we have going on for the Center with our new programing. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, Are there any reactions or questions regarding the programing? <br /> Please state your name and address. <br /> George Jones, 256 North Sheridan Street, I appreciate all the information that you shared with us <br /> Cynthia,but one (1) of the things I didn't hear was things about technology and technology is one <br /> (1) of the fastest growing vocation careers that is on the horizon and I didn't hear any reference to <br /> that. <br /> Ms. Taylor followed up,well Code School is the technology. It teaches kids how to build websites <br /> and different technical skills on the computer so that is part of technology. <br /> Jonathon Jones, Director of Recreation, 321 E. Walter St. South Bend, IN stated, I want to add to <br /> that as well. Cynthia was referencing the collaboration that we have with the Martin Luther King <br /> Center right now. So that's actually a collaboration between Metro Net, Public Library, and the <br /> City of South Bend. One of the good parts about that is Metro Net is paying for us to get high- <br /> speed internet to the Center. So now it's a part of one (1) of their initiatives to help bridge the <br /> digital divide between the downtown area and some the outskirts of the city. So one (1) of the <br /> beautiful parts about this is that the Center will now have the highest, fastest internet that can <br /> possibly get in this City. With that, we have also been working with South Bend Code School. <br /> They have tapped into a grant opportunity with AT&T,which allows them to provide their classes <br /> at the discount/subsidized rates; students and families could tap into that as well. So now that we <br /> have had an initial session toward the end of the school year at Navarre Primary, South Bend <br /> School Code staff came in, brought their computers and gave a lot of children in the system an <br /> opportunity to build a website within a thirty (30) minute time frame and it gave them a taste of <br /> what it's like to code technology. So we are going to be meeting with Alex from South Bend Code <br /> School and going through that process to see how we can actually set up a site within the Center. <br /> Initially they were hoping that this would materialize how students could go down to the Code <br /> School and have to find transportation to get there but now hopefully there will be a site set up at <br /> the Center where kids can come. We have new computers, and high speed internet, we will really <br /> be able to tap into the opportunities from a technological stand point. <br /> Committee Chair White interjected, I think someone had a question or comment? <br /> Alkeyna Aldridge, 14th Floor County-City Building asked, I just wanted to know if you had a LRC <br /> with the Tech Center? <br /> Mr. Jones answered,you might be able to answer,You might be able to speak to it a little bit better <br /> than I am. The City is also tapping into a new set of tools through a platform called, LRNG,which <br /> is a short way of saying learning, but they left a couple of letters out there. Essentially, it's an <br /> outline platform similar to say a or even just a student going on YouTube to look up an <br /> instructional video. But essentially, it's a platform that would allow for a playlist of different <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 6 <br />