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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> do we get some integration within that street and that business sector. I think it will benefit all of <br /> us if we work strategically to hit that note so obviously the sooner the better. I guess one (1) of my <br /> questions to the group,maybe Aaron to you is that programing can never be static. What you plan <br /> today the needs are going to change, right? Who you plan for, that's going to change. So I guess <br /> my suggestion in regards to programing. We had great dialogue tonight but I think maybe there <br /> needs to be mechanisms put in place, from my background it would be called an advisory <br /> committee to the center that actually is a structure from where people from all the neighborhood <br /> groups; you can put up a name or someone on a ongoing basis evaluating what are we offering, is <br /> it meeting needs? Do we need to change it? Do we need to throw it out?Do we need to substitute <br /> something in? But I think to somehow plan that, we know that change is going to be needed, but <br /> somehow now to incorporate that so that we can take tonight's exchange of information and <br /> communication and just build on it here going forward. And my last thing is it really does help <br /> when staff comes to the neighborhood meetings, so we want to thank you for coming and Aaron <br /> if you could convey that to your staff. You are the nut and bolts of what happens. So when <br /> neighbors can talk to staff and other staff can talk to neighbors, I think we can get a lot fiirther <br /> along. So I really appreciate your attendance tonight and the expertise that you bring to all of this. <br /> Committee Chair White interjected, We want to add that in terms of the advisory board of the <br /> community and that recommendation was shared with Ms. Taylor and I know she is looking into <br /> that. <br /> Councilmember Voorde stated, As long as we are thanking people, I'd like to thank the City <br /> Clerk's Office for consistently bringing out her staff to help us become informed. <br /> Clerk Fowler stated,I had a question for Alkeyna about educating people about which area is being <br /> served. I wanted to follow up with Alkeyna because our office has been getting some calls about <br /> it. This is a good piece that I will follow up with you regarding inquiries to our office. I guess they <br /> called 311 and one(1)person told me that they are on Dundee Street and they are on a certain side <br /> of Western, so they are not going to take applications from them or something or another. I just <br /> want to make sure that this reflects that cause people will ask us information, no matter what or <br /> where we go. We can be in the grocery store, anywhere, and I just want to make sure I'm giving <br /> out the right information. We want to make sure that we bring the questions to you. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I just want to thank everyone for coming. This was an excellent <br /> meeting and in return, I ask that you give me three (3) weeks to work on the template because we <br /> are in the budget process and that is something to experience. I would encourage you to send out <br /> a representative to the budget hearings. I think tomorrow this will be our forth(4th)one (1) and we <br /> have about eight (8) or nine (9) scheduled and I know that all of you can't come. On the website <br /> you can get all the budget and meeting related materials. Questions that were asked last year, you <br /> can go and pull those questions up as well. So I encourage you if you can to participate. Feel free <br /> to contact any of us. Our goal is to do the very best that we can to ensure that one(1)to know that <br /> you have been heard. Two (2) We value you, we may not have all the answers and we may not be <br /> able to respond at the level that you think we should, but please know we are operating from a <br /> point of sincerity. We are operating from a point that we want the very best for our citizens. So we <br /> thank you so much. Tomorrow's budget is PARCS. We meet on the 4th Floor at 5 P.M. You are <br /> welcome to attend. The Residential Neighborhoods meeting is adjourned. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 13 <br />