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08-20-18 Health and Public Saftey & Utilities
Common Council
Committee Meeting Minutes
08-20-18 Health and Public Saftey & Utilities
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9/25/2018 8:46:12 AM
Creation date
9/25/2018 8:49:20 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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Committee Mtg Minutes
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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> to a dialogue with the City. We would like additional recommendations and solutions to the <br /> problem. We were also surprised that there was very little reference to the Smart Sewer System <br /> in tonight's presentation. We are interested to know if there were any uncovered design or <br /> implementation deficiencies relative to whether EmNet was consulted or just provided data as to <br /> whether or not the system worked as designed. We have continued to become concerned about <br /> the residents that are lifelong homeowners with a good number of reported backflows since the <br /> February 2018 event. One (1) of the areas we are interested in looking at is whether or not this <br /> flooding would have been as significant in 2016 or 2018 and ongoing without the Smart Sewer <br /> system in place. Thank you, we look forward to working with you. <br /> Bruce Harris, 513 W. Angela, stated, The water was described as flowing from the area north of <br /> Angela, and that would be the Holy Cross College property which is owned by Notre Dame. The <br /> description that it flows down that direction is not accurate. There is a large pipe that comes out <br /> of the ground where the drains from the campus all come together and pour a significant amount <br /> of water at the hillside which flows down behind the houses on the north side of Angela. This has <br /> kept the water table up quite significantly. I started to put a sump pump in my basement at the <br /> beginning of March, and at that time, the water table was sitting at the bottom of the concrete at <br /> the basement. Since then it has gone down ten(10)inches. It rains up there and then concentrates <br /> around the houses. I have a hard time believing that water dumping was set up there with proper <br /> permits. I would like that to be looked in to, and it should be piped out to the river, or handled <br /> another proper way. <br /> Barbara Sutton, 528 Ostemo Pl., stated, I am the president of the North Shore Triangle <br /> Neighborhood Association. I am a great believer in climate change, so two (2) events in two (2) <br /> years, I find it hard to believe that it is not going to happen again in the next ten(10) years. There <br /> was a flood in 1985,2016,and 2018. One of my concerns is that a lot of folks in the neighborhood <br /> don't have the $10,000-15,000 it costs to dig out around our house to remediate, but we could <br /> perhaps do something else with the walls or the cracks if we had more information. At our meeting <br /> in March,we asked if there could possibly be some workshops put on to help the neighbors do low <br /> cost, do it yourself projects in case of another flood. We are not all quite back to normal yet, I'm <br /> still hauling stuff out of my garage and working on my basement. A lot of my neighbors are doing <br /> the same. It's been a very painful process for us and we need continued support to get our work <br /> done. <br /> Mary Wood,620 W. Angela, stated,I have owned my home and lived there for twenty-seven(27) <br /> years. In noticing the images toni ht, the red lines for the sewers that were imaged, I feel like it <br /> was our neighborhood, through vociferous and local distress, that caused this study to be done. I <br /> am wondering why the City is not regularly maintaining,imaging,cleaning out and repairing these <br /> lines,because they don't look like they are being well-maintained. Regarding the extreme events, <br /> I understand that there are times when things are way too big for things you have in place, but <br /> inches matter. I had over three (3) feet of flooding in my basement. If it had been a few inches, I <br /> wouldn't have had to replace the furnace and appliances. If it had been three (3) more inches it <br /> would have gotten into my circuit breaker and into the electricity. The power would have had to <br /> be cut and my pets and I would have had to leave our home. All the small things count. Right not <br /> I am saving up to get the$12,000 french drain system. I am doing everything I can,and I'm asking <br /> you to do everything you can even if they're small things. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.JeffersonBvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 <br /> 9 <br />
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