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08-20-18 Health and Public Saftey & Utilities
Common Council
Committee Meeting Minutes
08-20-18 Health and Public Saftey & Utilities
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Last modified
9/25/2018 8:46:12 AM
Creation date
9/25/2018 8:49:20 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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Committee Mtg Minutes
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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> He continued,Keller Park has a combined sewer that typically flows southwest to northeast. CSO <br /> two (2)provides relief to this. Keller Park's flood boundary is within the one hundred (100) year <br /> flood boundary. Often,you try to avoid people building within those zones. There is a higher risk <br /> of those homes flooding, given the FEMA maps. There were quite a few responses to the survey, <br /> which are outlined(referencing a slide in the presentation). Of the fourteen(14)backflow devices, <br /> eleven(11)were said to have worked great. Again,many saw water enter their basements through <br /> a crack in the wall, which has to do with high ground water. Less than fifty percent (50%) of the <br /> respondents noted having backflow prevention devices. These devices could have eliminated <br /> potential sewer backups into basements. <br /> He went on, Given those findings, there are some recommendations that are common between all <br /> areas, and others that are site-specific. Of the common recommendations, the City should <br /> reevaluate the current design criteria for required storm water management. Our City has design <br /> criteria for storm water systems, and it is very much in line with what other municipalities have <br /> within the area,but we thought that it might be prudent to look and see if that is enough, given the <br /> events that we've been seeing. Another is for the City to continue to offer residents the Basement <br /> Valve Program. It tends to be that less than fifty percent (50%) of those that responded had the <br /> basement valve in line. Also, we recommend for the homeowners to address the cracking in the <br /> basement walls and floors, because it creates an avenue for high ground water to get into them <br /> because the groundwater in these areas react so quickly to flooding. Additionally, we suggest the <br /> City educate the homeowners in understanding the cause and effect of the basement cracking and <br /> the proper techniques that can be applied in those instances. <br /> He continued, Other recommendations include to continue the Downspout Disconnection Program <br /> to divert runoff away from the sewer system. It keeps it out of the sewer system, but also out of <br /> people's homes and basements. It is also something that has to be done by 2020. Homeowners <br /> that experience frequent flooding and backup issues outside of the 2016 and 2018 event who see <br /> their basement flooding three(3)to four(4)times per year, should look at the possibility of having <br /> a lateral inspector. The lateral itself from the home to the sewer is having issues. Also, the City <br /> should research the possibility of a notification system for residents, due to residents' concerns. <br /> Some said they did get a notification, but they weren't sure where to go for the next step. Also, <br /> the videoing of North Shore was very helpful. As part of the routine videoing and cleaning, we <br /> recommend that the City place an emphasis on the neighborhoods in this report to get all of those <br /> lines videoed and assessed. We believe you may be able to find something in those videos that <br /> can help. <br /> He went on, FEMA provides grants to purchase homes that are located in flood zones. It is <br /> recommended that the City research these requirements and opportunities to see if they are <br /> applicable to some of these areas. Some of the areas that are in the one hundred (100) year flood <br /> plain, FEMA does have some opportunities there in purchasing some of those homes. We <br /> recommend that the City do further research to determine if the ten (10) inch sanitary sewer line <br /> along Angela is properly sized for the sanitary flow that is coming from the eighteen (18) inch <br /> line. We are also recommending that the City install backflow prevention measures on the storm <br /> water outlets to the St. Joseph River within the North Shore Triangle area. This isn't typical, but <br /> given the topography of this area, it is something that we recommend. That will keep the storm <br /> water from backing up into the system. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building'227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD <br />
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