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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> take that, the amount of pressure that is being put on the backflow preventer, that might not even <br /> work for us because they are having such high pressure coming back. We were also told that <br /> backflow preventers are not warrantied or guaranteed for sewage backup. So,a backflow preventer <br /> does us no good for this instance. <br /> Christian Carlson, 2207 Riverside Drive, stated, I do not live in the floodplain. We're high on a <br /> hill by Oakwood. We moved in July 2001 and had no floods until 2016. We had three (3) floods <br /> with clear water with sewage in it. We addressed it and remediated it with our insurance company. <br /> I had our downspouts disconnected, I put wider gutters on the back of my house, and I applied for <br /> a backflow preventer, but did not end up installing it after working with the plumber at that time <br /> because it would be a large investment to help in an unlikely event. Every time it rained in 2017, <br /> we woke up and ran downstairs, and had no incidents. In 2018,the day before we left on summer <br /> vacation, we had black sewage in our basement. I came back from my vacation four (4) times to <br /> deal with that. Then, a couple weeks ago, the water alarm went off and black water sewage is <br /> floating by my feet. It drained back out, the sewer guy came out and said the line was fine. He <br /> checked it at the end of the alley, because he can't find the manhole covers in our alley to check <br /> behind my house where they're supposed to be. It is dirt, but somewhere it says they are paved. <br /> We have to call the City every year to grade the alley, so they were probably graded over. I was <br /> able to find the other one (1)for him so he was able to check it,but by then it had all flowed away. <br /> We received another quote to get another system different from the backflow preventer. The first <br /> (I") quote we got this y says, if any of these twenty-seven (27) things are in the water coming <br /> back, it will not work. It is also not guaranteed to prevent sewage. This is not about just the loss <br /> of items, it is about the loss of our home. We have a 1000 square foot room where we entertain <br /> and we live and our kids play that we can't use. My wife has asthma, and she can't be in the house <br /> when these things happen, so we have to stay at a friend's house or a hotel. I am concerned about <br /> the Smart Sewer System. If it is because we live so close to the water treatment plant, I'm also <br /> questioning why the downspout disconnection is optional. If we know that that's a problem, why <br /> are we not making that mandatory? The North Shore Triangle data showed that thirty-five (35) <br /> people had backflow preventers,and twenty-one(2 1)worked. That is a forty percent(40%)failure <br /> rate; that's not good. We need to have a better option when we are trying to keep sewage out of <br /> our basements. I just want to be able to sleep at night when it rains, and know that someone else's <br /> poop will not be in my basement. I've spoken to Mr.Fahey and others in the City, and I appreciate <br /> them listening. <br /> Committee Chair Teshka asked Mr.Fahey if the Downspout Disconnection Program is mandatory. <br /> Mr. Fahey responded, Yes, it is mandatory. <br /> Brian Prophet,422 Marquette Avenue, stated, I'd like to thank the Council for paying attention to <br /> this. I am echoing a lot of concerns here. I did want to add my voice to the chorus about some <br /> sort of notification system, especially for the areas of the sewer that are being monitored closely. <br /> I think transparency of data is key here. Obviously, I can't imagine a system where everybody <br /> would be willing to put some sort of notification that they're having some sort of sewer issues in <br /> their basement. I'm just now hearing tonight about Portage which is not too far from North Shore <br /> Triangle and I am concerned. Ideally, we don't want this stuff coming up in our basement, but if <br /> we had a notification that it is an issue and we should check our basement, there are ways we can <br /> manually correct the situation. I would like the City to look into a fast warning system either by <br /> text or whatever, to warn us that issues are coming down the line. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION ! INCLUSION ! EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 12 <br />