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COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DECEMBER 5, 2011 <br />Community and Economic Development Committee Members Present: Chairperson Tim <br />Rouse; Henry Davis; Karen White <br />Other Councilmember's Present: Derek Dieter; David Varner <br />Other's Present: Rich Hill; Andrew Nemeth; Kevin Allen; Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand; Mayor <br />Stephen Luecke; Mr. Satish "Sunny" Gabhawala; Mark McDonnel; Linda Wolfson; Dan lanello <br />Agenda: Update on Chase Tower Resolution No. 4127 -11 <br />Chairperson Rouse opened the meeting notice a quorum of the committee was present as well as <br />Councilmember's Varner and Dieter. After briefly describing the purpose of the meeting <br />Chairperson Rouse called upon Vice - Chairperson Henry Davis to further elaborate on the <br />purpose and intent of the resolution adopted by the Council on November 14, 2011, by a vote of <br />7 -2. Mr. Davis explained the resolution was aimed at attracting and leveraging financial <br />incentives for the potential rehabilitation of the Chase Tower. Mr. Davis said it was important to <br />keep the Chase open and viable. To that end, Mr. Davis said he had met with a private <br />developer in hopes of developing a public - private partnership to save the Chase. Mr. Davis <br />underlined the importance of the commitment of public dollars citing both symbolic and actual <br />economic multiplier benefits. <br />Chairperson Rouse then asked the Mayor to come to the table. The Mayor said there have been <br />discussions among his office, the investor represented by Baker Daniels, and the <br />developer /broker Andrew Nemeth. The Mayor called the ongoing discussions a process of <br />discovery. Specific criteria needs to be met when using public dollars to protect and insure the <br />public interest. He said they are close to satisfying this criteria. He noted that because of <br />imminent foreclosure, deadlines had to be set and met. The Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- <br />Farrand would work with the City Clerk's Office to see that legalities of the process were met. <br />The Mayor said an appropriation bill would be filed for 1" reading on December 12, 2011 and a <br />special meeting for 2" and 3`d reading would be called for December 19, 2011. Either the Mayor <br />of Five Councilmember's could issue a call for this special meeting. <br />Moving to questions from the committee, Councilmember White asked from where the money <br />would come? The Mayor said from general fund reserves. Councilmember Dieter asked what <br />the $5.7 million was for and what do we get in return? In response, Mr. Satish "Sunny" <br />Gabhawala aided by Rich Hill said the total investment was $19 million. $11 million would be <br />used for parking garage /office improvements. The city would get a 99 year leasehold interest in <br />the garage and would also get assurance of a mid -upper level hotel, for 10 years. Mr. Satish <br />"Sunny" Gabhawala said through Mr. Hill that he would commit to $1.5 million in emergency <br />elevator repairs. Councilmember White asked the status of the 22 tenants in the bldg. Andrew <br />Nemeth said he would provide more tenant information. <br />