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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> the presentation) so we can anticipate that in the 2020 budget we will be looking for another $2.5 <br /> million for Olive Street. <br /> She continued,I put the 2018 flood up here to highlight the effort and the ongoing work happening <br /> that is related to the flood. We've been working with Robert Yeary and the insurance process as <br /> well as FEMA. They have been in town for quite a few months now. They are looking at our <br /> projects and are inspecting our projects. They are doing their due diligence. We are looking at, <br /> potentially, upwards of$3 million of project costs here. We have a good idea of insurance being <br /> involved in that. <br /> She went on, Streambank Stabilization is a little bit complicated. Of course you have right-of-way <br /> at the T intersection but you also have private property ownership on either side of that intersection. <br /> A portion of that bank is owned by the City and the other portions are private. We did, this ye , <br /> receive a DNR grant to provide some technical assistance to do an engineering feasibility study. <br /> That $45,000 is actually a max amount up to eighty percent (80%) so we can engage with a <br /> consultant to begin looking at what type of stream bank stabilization we could do here in the area. <br /> That is an unfunded element of work for us. The sewer and manhole rehabilitation is an annual <br /> project we work on,budgeting$1.5 million out of Sewer Capital.This past year we did work along <br /> the CSO eighteen(18)corridor and we are looking to try and do some sewer manhole lining along <br /> Diamond Avenue this year. Lining is a great way for us to take care of our assets in a non-invasive <br /> manner such that we don't have to tear up the roads. The CSO eighteen(18) corridor, I realize, is <br /> a little inconveniencing because it was such a large project. <br /> She continued, And then the Long Term Control Plan (LTCP). We continue to move and make <br /> headway as we move forward with IDEM and the EPA on the LTCP. This year we plan on <br /> continuing that effort. We are working on beginning to look at Green Stormwater Infrastructure. <br /> So we are proposing $200,000 for design work that would create templates and then begin <br /> implementing that in different areas throughout the City. <br /> She went on, We have some challenges and new initiatives for this next. Stormwater Utility <br /> is one (1) of them and Eric will follow up on that. We look to increase funding for traffic calming <br /> and do work on the South Bend dam and the West Side Quiet Zones.Another challenge is the LPA <br /> Project Funding. There are some great expenses hitting us all at once with three (3) of those LPA <br /> projects being with MACOG in 2020. The current bidding environment is also unknown and the <br /> market is very saturated right now. A lot of our contractors have a lot of work and we are <br /> sometimes not seeing them show up for our bids. The personnel changes include that new Project <br /> Inspector which will be one hundred percent (100%) allocated to Venues, Parks & Arts and then <br /> the engineering allocation is new this year. <br /> Committee Chair White paused the presentation and opened the floor to questions from Committee <br /> and Council Members. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, I went to a meeting the other day and neighbors by the Eddy <br /> Street Commons area, specifically Frances Street, have noted it is very dark. Is there some way <br /> that can be addressed? <br /> Ms.Boyles replied,Lighting is easy for us to take a quick look at.I feel like we've done that before <br /> in that area.I know about three(3)years ago I worked with a resident there and helped them initiate <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building(227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend.Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 If574.235.91731 TM574.235.5567 <br /> 10 <br />