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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair Davis then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. He then turned the floor back to the <br /> Committee for further comment or main motion. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, As Kathy said, this is our sixth (6th) go around on this. This is <br /> another one (1) of these buildings that, I don't think will turn into anything else without the <br /> creativity of collaboration. Everyone is collaborating and think that is a good thing. They have <br /> come so close over and over again. My wife was the one (1) that submitted the very first (Ist) <br /> application which we got bumped below the Hoffman Hotel project. This would be a great center <br /> piece right along Portage Avenue. I appreciate support on this and this was good teamwork from <br /> everybody. <br /> Committeemember Broden requested a copy of the application. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde made a motion to send Bill No. 18-34 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Committeemember Ferlic seconded this motion which carried by a <br /> voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic then made a motion to hear together Bill Nos. 26-18 and 18-36 for <br /> purposes of public hearing. Committeemember Broden seconded this motion which carried by a <br /> voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> Bill No 26-18- 24632, 24650, 24700, 24810, 24820, 24762 US Highway 20 and 54270 Pine <br /> Road Annexation <br /> Bill No. 18-36- South Bend Chocolate Annexation Fiscal Plan <br /> Ms. Smith stated, Before you is a project that I am sure you are very familiar with. It is a proposed <br /> planning and development. We are essentially at the corner of the bypass (referencing a <br /> presentation which is available in the City Clerk's Office). Some of this property came in a couple <br /> of years ago for an annexation when the airport owned it. They annexed it and it is zoned LI — <br /> Light Industrial. When Mr. Turner started talking to us about his project,I know you guys are fully <br /> aware that we are not keen on using Planned Unit Development method, but this case is a prime <br /> example of why we have that district classification. The mix of uses proposed in this project are <br /> such that we could not put it in any district within the City of South Bend and allow for the wide <br /> range of uses. By the time you add the agricultural type uses, the commercial and residential, we <br /> simply don't have a zoning district that would accommodate all of those things. So shy of parceling <br /> out certain areas for certain uses which might restrict the development as the project goes on, the <br /> Planned Unit Development (PUD) District is really the only option here. <br /> She continued, So this PUD essentially has the edge of the City and will also be picking up a <br /> couple of parcels in the County. It will be surrounded by County-zoned Manufacturing and <br /> Residential in the area. This (referencing the presentation) is the proposed entrance off of Lincoln <br /> Way. The PUD will essentially have two(2)districts. The Core District will allow for a wide range <br /> of uses. The description of it was an `old world village.'_They included uses such as the factory, <br /> the dinosaur museum, a restaurant,retail,hotel,possibly a fuel station and a Farmer's Market. The <br /> other district will be the Agricultural District and this is designed to highlight the natural and <br /> agricultural amenities of the property. These include things such as orchards, buffalo paddocks, <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building!227W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I TTD 574.235.55671 www• <br /> 4 <br />