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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> -Many residents are upset with how expensive the KROC Center membership is. They do <br /> have some scholarships. It is a real problem when there is something that nice and beautiful <br /> and kids just look on. It used to be Oliver Park and now it is a facility with prices that lock <br /> our kids out. <br /> Chapin (Western to Indiana) <br /> -One (1) of the possible solutions to homelessness is the concept of housing-first (1St). <br /> There was a facility built for this concept. It was the old Oliver School. What makes that <br /> different is in stabilizing their home, first (1S), they can then begin to address their <br /> addiction. The City Administration will be giving a more thorough update at the Monday, <br /> August 13th 2018 meeting of the Common Council. <br /> Indiana(Chapin to Lafayette) <br /> -DTSB hired a liaison for homelessness. <br /> Lafayette (Indiana to South) <br /> -The Renaissance District is repurposing the old Studebaker building as we get into our <br /> downtown. <br /> -Four Winds Field is a jewel to the City. <br /> -Union Station is a possible destination for bringing the South Shore down town. <br /> South(Lafayette to Lincoln Way East) <br /> -Ms. Odom stated, I am one (1) of the few people who are blessed enough to have two (2) <br /> neighborhoods. I purchased a home in Monroe Park and didn't know anything about a <br /> demolition list. We are in a historical area. We are having our neighborhood association <br /> meeting this weekend. We are making sure to help neighbors keep their yard up. When you <br /> get fined they go to your taxes and when you go to pay your taxes, you may not have a <br /> home. We help people keep their lawns up so they don't lose their homes. <br /> Lincoln Way East (South to Bronson) <br /> -When the City heard about Odom's Development model, they are moving forward with <br /> applying for grants. They recently won one (1) called Love Your Block. There will be <br /> volunteers that teach homeowners the skills to keep up their own homes. <br /> Studebaker Plaza <br /> -There was a festival to celebrate collaboration and neighborhood partnerships when the <br /> residents got off the bus. <br /> With no further business,Vice Committee Chair Broden adjourned the Residential Neighborhoods <br /> Committee meeting at 2:37 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Jo . roden, Vice Committee Chair <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building!227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 j TTD 574.235.55671 <br /> 7 <br />