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Bill No. 11-60 <br /> Supporting financial commitment to underwrite the creation of a Minority and Women's Business <br /> Development Program in South Bend. Chairperson Rouse began discussion of this bill <br /> recounting the steps taken to enhance minority prominence in all discussions related to the <br /> allocation of available public dollars for economic development initiatives. Using supplemental <br /> handouts(attached), Chairperson Rouse recounted the steps already taken to improve the <br /> prominence of minority, interests and more importantly the steps yet needed if minority <br /> participation was to become a reality. In so many words, only the commitment of dollars to such <br /> efforts would result in meaningful progress. In an effort to better illustrate what can and should be <br /> done, Chairperson Rouse called upon Mrs. Vivian Sallie, an economic developmenUhuman <br /> resources consultant to outline a program she had volunteered at Chairperson Rouse's request. <br /> According to her proposal, a commitment of about 175,000 in the first year would be needed to <br /> lay the foundation for real progress toward making the MBENVBE program a reality. <br /> Chairperson Rouse deflected some"knee jerk" criticism before asking for a motion to continue <br /> the hearing on Bill No. 11-60 until November 14, 2011. Councilmember Henry Davis so moved. <br /> Councilmember Puzzello followed with a second. A majority approved the request to ask for a <br /> continuance. <br /> Bill No. 11-61 <br /> Request to approve an APC order and a Redevelopment Commission amendment. <br /> This bill initiated by the city's Economic Development Department would allow the acquisition of <br /> property at the SE corner of E. Colfax and the St. Joseph River for the intended development of <br /> residential townhomes. This parcel is currently owned by the Holladay Corp. and is more <br /> commonly known as the former"Wharf" site. After the presentation by Matt Sikora of the <br /> Economic Development Department, brief discussion followed. Councilmember Henry Davis <br /> motioned to recommend favorably. It failed for lack of a second. The bill was sent to Council <br /> without recommendation. <br /> Under miscellaneous, Councilmember Varner went on record requesting an update from Public <br /> Works as to the status of the proposal for public access television. The request further asked a <br /> definitive level of commitment from the County and Mishawaka <br /> There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson Rouse <br /> adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. <br /> RespectFully Submitted, <br /> � <br /> � �°/ <br /> Timothy A. f�,��e, Chairperson , <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee <br />