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, , <br /> Ann-Carol Nash thanked all the students for their help with the drafting, implementation <br /> and enforcement of the taxi ordinance. She also encouraged them to keep the lines of <br /> communication open relating to this matter. <br /> NEIGHBORHOODS <br /> Matt Costello who lives in the neighborhood close to Notre Dame, said that most parties <br /> are ending earlier and that he feels that the students are behaving better, and are <br /> considerate of those living around them. <br /> Ann-Carol Nash stated that the City has the Mayor's Task Force, and their focus is on <br /> crime, and on particular properties associated with crime. <br /> Cathy Toppel echoed Ann-Carol Nash's statement about the Mayor's Task Force. She <br /> also stated that Code Enforcement is trying to spread the word about the City's <br /> ordinance on how many unrelated people can live together. The ordinance specifically <br /> states that no more than 2 unrelated students or persons can live together in a single <br /> family dwelling. One problem is people are buying these properties to rent to students <br /> and the owners may not be aware of the ordinance and even if they do, they do not <br /> make the students aware of it. Some students are aware of the ordinance and are <br /> choosing to ignore it. Also, whether they are aware or not, students run the risk of being <br /> evicted from a property mid way through a lease because of this violation. <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand stated that Ann Puzzello was instrumental in creating a zoning <br /> ordinance and a list of properties that are exempt from the limited number of residents. <br /> The City Legal and Building Departments use it as a reference. <br /> Ann Puzzello referred again to Marguerite Taylor's statement that all the houses from <br /> Notre Dame to Hill Street are occupied by students. Ms. Puzzello posed the question: <br /> "Are there more student rentals?" She said that rental houses change the character of <br /> the neighborhood. There is a house on the corner of Sunnyside and Colfax which is an <br /> issue. <br /> Buddy Kirsits stated that the apartment complexes near Notre Dame such as Turtle <br /> Creek are not student occupied anymore. <br /> Cathy Toppel announced that she is Vice-President of the Neighborhood Resources <br /> Group. It is a Landlord-Tenant Group. The group is drafting a landlord ordinance <br /> where landlords would be required to register so that rental properties can be monitored <br /> more closely. The ordinance would not be ready until the new administration comes in. <br /> , <br /> Mike Carrington stated that Zoning is enforced under Code Enforcement and <br /> encouraged that further work be done on the grandfather listing. <br /> 3 <br />