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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> continuing to yield benefits to the City. We are trending, in 2018,to be on par with past years. We <br /> rely on the departments we work with to provide accurate and detailed records so that we can <br /> collect those fees. They send their past due amounts to us and we do refer them to an outside <br /> collections agency. We do use primarily one (1) firm and that is Krisor and Associates and we are <br /> able to collect quite a bit of money owed to the City. The 2018 numbers are $254,438 collected as <br /> of the first(1S)of this month. Of that amount, $77,406 is for property damage. $79,223 is for EMS <br /> and $50,528 is for Code Enforcement. <br /> She went on, Here (referencing a slide in the presentation which is available in the City Clerk's <br /> Office)we have a slide on the City's Subrogation Claims.The City's Subrogation practice recovers <br /> money from at fault parties for damage to its property and generates revenue for the General Fund. <br /> We are on track, currently,to exceed lasts numbers. As of today, $75,690 of net recovery to <br /> the City has come without legal or collection fees. <br /> She continued, Our department collaborates with the Council and all of the different departments <br /> in the City. We are very proud of that and we take very seriously our contributions to helping the <br /> other departments and agencies obtain their goals and accomplish the things they want to <br /> accomplish. This ye , just to list a few, we were able to help finish Lexipol, an Interlocal <br /> Agreement between the Prosecutor's Office and the South Bend Police Department, the <br /> implementation of Body Cameras,Virtual Academy,CarFax,helping draft the Sexual Harassment <br /> Training Ordinance as well as the Responsible Bidding Practices and Submission Requirements <br /> Ordinance. We are also very proud of the Disparity Study. <br /> She went on, In 2018, this (referencing the presentation)just lists a few of the agreements and <br /> changes we made. Of the agreements,we helped the departments work the Potawatomi Zoological <br /> Society Lease and Management Agreement, the agreement to sell the College Football Hall of <br /> Fame, and we revised the Century Center's contract with SMG management as well as improving <br /> the hearing process for South Bend Animal Care and Control by implementing a Hearing Officer. <br /> She continued,There are a few changes you will notice in our budget. As you heard,we are trying <br /> to move to a system of paid interns. The Legal Department currently does not have paid interns. <br /> We work with the law schools to try and have education credit instead of paid. That will still be a <br /> goal but during the summer, the schools don't allow for the students to have credits so we are <br /> finding we are competing with a lot of firms and other agencies for competent law students as <br /> interns. They are graduate-level students and so what we've had and the procedure we took to <br /> arrive at this number is our intern coordinator, Aladean, contacted different agencies and also <br /> looked at the historical record for what we have provided in previous Administrations. She arrived <br /> at the $30,000 number and that is for four (4) full-time legal interns. You will also see a 1,080% <br /> increase in our insurance allocation which will cause our budget to grow. We have an increase <br /> request for the salary budget due to an administrative change and that has to do with how the <br /> salaries were split between departments. It will look like a large increase for that position but will <br /> later be reimbursed for the allocation. Our subscriptions budget increased slightly and that is due <br /> to year over year contract increases. Those contracts are up for renegotiation in 2019. <br /> She went on,Again,we have really appreciated your help and support for the 2018 budget and we <br /> are grateful for this opportunity to amplify our value to the City in 2019. Our staff remains our top <br /> priority in the Legal Department as well as serving our City. We will continue to serve the mission <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 if 574.235.9173 I TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 3 <br />