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CITY OF SOUTH BEND , OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> and their statistical analysis. We will more than likely ask you to come back. Committeemember <br /> Voorde will chair the remainder of the meeting for me as I have to leave. <br /> Committee Chair White left the meeting at 6:41 p.m. <br /> Mr. Schultz stated,The budget increase is kind of set up over three (3)areas. One (1)of the things <br /> we looked for this year was to have a realistic budget of what it actually costs to run PSAP. The <br /> first (lst) one (1) is about health insurance. We are a part of the County's Health Insurance. That <br /> made up about $360,000 of the increase. The second (2nd) part is, similar to what Chief Cox was <br /> talking about, overtime and getting a realistic number with overtime. We have been deficit <br /> spending in overtime since the inception of dispatch. We are trying to find the sweet spot of where <br /> we should actually be. One (1) of the things that has not been done over time is, we are <br /> contractually obligated to provide some benefits that were never budgeted for and was just taken <br /> out of overtime. So right off the bat, we had$266,000 of our$385,000 taken out. So we never had <br /> an actual number there and this is us breaking those numbers down. It is now its own separate line- <br /> item. Then we are trying to find an accurate number to what it actually costs to staff the center and <br /> come up with that overtime number. Other places have folks built in so that if someone takes a <br /> vacation day, they don't have to pay overtime. PSAP doesn't have that. We are contractually <br /> obligated to allow three (3) dispatchers off of all three (3) shifts, so I could have nine (9) people <br /> on vacation any day. On two (2) of my shifts I don't have any extra folks, so, if someone takes a <br /> vacation or sick day, I have to pay overtime. I've asked for more folks to offset this. That is the <br /> third (3rd) part of this. I would like some new folks to offset that. We have had conversations at <br /> the operations level, the Executive Board level and they said the budget is going to be capped. <br /> They said to find some folks within and they aren't advising to hire anyone new but if you can, <br /> you can. <br /> Committeemember Broden interjected, I'm sorry, I have to stop you right there. Can you go over <br /> that again? What kind of directive was that? <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, They capped our budget and said, if you can, hire some new folks and spread <br /> the money out. If you can hire new folks, you can, but your budget is capped. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I was at the Executive Session when they presented their budget and <br /> think what will go a long way, Ray, is if this Council would have a copy of that budget. <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, Before this meeting, we handed out hard copies of that (available in the City <br /> Clerk's Office). <br /> Councilmember Scott followed up, Oh, is this the revised one (1)? <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, Yes, it is. <br /> Councilmember Scott followed up, They decided to cap it at the dollar amount you see here <br /> (referencing the budget document). They are here to rework the budget. I can understand the <br /> confusion. <br /> Mr. Schultz stated, So those are the three (3) fashions of our budget. The insurance we can't really <br /> do anything about,we broke some stuff down on the overtime and tried to come up with a realistic <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 j <br /> 20 <br />