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II <br /> ®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> collections and everything. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention the work of the billers. Our <br /> billers take pride in handling, very professionally, a really complicated billing process. They deal <br /> with CMS, Insurance Agencies and companies in order for us to get that reimbursement. They go <br /> through a lot to make sure they maximize those reimbursements. Typically by the time it actually <br /> gets to the Legal Department, we've already worked with all the parties well in advance for quite <br /> some time. We even allow payment plans as we know that some folks are on fixed incomes. So <br /> there are forty-seven(47) Fire Fighters and four and a half(4.5) civilians in that fund that are paid <br /> out. <br /> He went on, We want to give you guys a pie chart (referencing a slide in the presentation) that <br /> shows salaries and benefits. Those take up a vast majority of our overall budget. We also have <br /> supplies and, as you can see, we are attempting to make sure our operational budget stays as flat <br /> as it possibly can be. Having said that, under services there is a bit of a high increase. That is <br /> because our allocations have gone up significantly this ye and so that is a large portion of what <br /> you are seeing in that increase. Also on Capital, you see an increase because of the Station Nine <br /> (9) Bond we floated in order for us to be able to build the new Station Nine (9). That was an <br /> increase in capital that we will begin payment on in 2019. <br /> He continued, I also want to point this (referencing a slide in the presentation) out. The year to <br /> year comparison shows the different areas in which we pay. The vast majority of the cost of the <br /> Fire Department is wrapped up in salaries and benefits.Those increases over the four(4)year span <br /> reflect those changes in the CBA with the Fire Fighter's Local Union that is negotiated through <br /> contract. This Year I believe it was a two point two percent(2.2%)pay raise plus a couple of other <br /> fringe benefit pays added into those raises. As you can see in supplies, our total costs are very <br /> similar to actually that of 2016. With Service and Capital & Debt, as I just mentioned, the new <br /> Station Nine(9)Bond was moved up a little bit and allocations and insurance went up significantly. <br /> He went on, Overall staffing changes that we have requested this ye include two (2) positions <br /> for the community Paramedicine Program. That program is something we just began to pilot this <br /> year. We presented it to the mayor and he liked the idea of it.Basically it is addressing the frequent <br /> users of our EMS system. Typically speaking, those are folks that have fewer resources, they are <br /> elderly folks that have difficulty navigating the system, or somebody that just doesn't know how <br /> to sign up for Medicare or Medicaid. So what we attempt to do with these community paramedics <br /> is, we've got one (1) right now and she just started seeing patients last month. She identifies folks <br /> that are frequent users of our system and she addresses these issues by going to their home and <br /> sees what she can possibly do to minimize the impact on our system. If there is an easy fix, she <br /> looks to do that. We modeled this program off of programs that are currently being utilized in <br /> Austin, Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Tuscan, Raleigh, Minneapolis, and they have all had <br /> tremendous success. We anticipate,after just seeing patients over the course of a month and a half, <br /> the one (1) Fire Fighter doing this already has a full patient load and probably is over-burdened at <br /> this point. We talked to the folks in Arlington, Texas and they've been doing the program for <br /> couple of years now, and they actually limit the number of patients to twenty (20)per community <br /> paramedic. Otherwise, the individuals become overwhelmed. We are requesting to make this a <br /> permanent program and, starting in 2019, there would be two (2) additional Fire Fighters that are <br /> already paramedics with our department. <br /> He continued, The cost associated with that is approximately $200,000. That would be the cost of <br /> the two(2)experienced paramedics running that program.That is salaries,benefits,and everything <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.55671 <br /> 12 <br />