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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> in our office,as well,and I will go over some of their accomplishments.They created fillable PDFs <br /> for lawn-parking and scrap metal licenses. They created interactive maps for parking. We had a <br /> second (2"d) annual Amnesty Day and took in over one hundred (100) more tickets than last year. <br /> We processed over 4,113 parking tickets. We referred 156,700 tickets to collections. This year in <br /> 2018, a total of$275,000 was sent to collections. We processed twelve (12) scrap metal licenses. <br /> And lawn parking, last, processed $11,160 and processed one hundred and sixty-three (163) <br /> appeals. Amnesty Day has been pretty successful. As I said we took in over one hundred (100) <br /> more tickets than last ye . These are our performance indicators and I won't go over all of them <br /> but they are in the PowerPoint if anyone would like to look at them with more detail. <br /> She continued, I would next like to share our significant challenges and changes. This ye our <br /> overall budget we are proposing is $9,000 more than it was last year. I am requesting a salary <br /> increase for the Chief Deputy City Clerk and also the Ordinance Violations Clerk just due to their <br /> work loads and also to bring them up to where I feel they need to be comparatively with other <br /> market positions that do similar work around the City. We are requesting a two percent (2%) <br /> increase for the Clerk and the rest of the staff in the office. I think that is fairly consistent with <br /> what everyone else in the City is going to do. Our raises will be offset with additional revenues <br /> taken in from Amnesty Day and other efficiencies we have found in our Department. Also, our IT <br /> allocations went down. We are excited about that. So those are the significant changes and most <br /> of the other things are the things we would like to do. We do want to talk about expanding Amnesty <br /> Day to cover other ordinance violations that we feel we can collect on. If there is an opportunity <br /> to bring in additional revenue and get individuals in to pay it, we want to talk about expanding <br /> that. This presentation will be online. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I would like to remind everyone that every question posed is being <br /> recorded by the Clerk's Office. All Council Members will receive copies of those questions. The <br /> appropriate department heads will receive those questions. We will then receive the answers to <br /> those questions and they will then be posted as well. She then opened the floor to questions from <br /> Committee and Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, When you said IT funds went down, could you share how much of <br /> that has gone down? <br /> Clerk Fowler replied, For our particular office, I'm not sure how it is across the board, but it went <br /> down about $12,000. It think that it is just because they went through everything with us very <br /> thoroughly and asked us about everything we use and we were able to eliminate some things or <br /> reduce some things. I think it is better when they break it down. <br /> Councilmember Davis then asked,And how much more came in with the Amnesty Day in dollars? <br /> Clerk Fowler replied, There was about $4,000 more than came in last year. The total was more <br /> than that but that is how much more that came in this ye over last ,year. <br /> Councilmember Davis followed up, So between those two (2) we are looking at a savings of <br /> $16,000? <br /> Clerk Fowler clarified, You mean total? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 P 574.235.9221 If 574.235.91731 TTD574.235.5567 I w <br /> 7 <br />