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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> rental unit inspection, Light Up South Bend and, I believe alongside the Police Department <br /> presentation you will hear from the PSAP staff. We do have concerns about the increased cost <br /> associated with that but we also think we are seeing a lot more confidence in management practices <br /> with PSAP than we had even one (1)year ago. <br /> He continued, Council has pressed us on job creation and diversity in the workforce. What you <br /> will see is workforce development and small business development, fagade improvements and <br /> housing finance gap assistance. We know there are a lot of people in the community who are fully <br /> capable of purchasing and improving houses but still can't get access to credit sometimes. We <br /> think the City might be able to help step into that and Community Investment will go into more <br /> detail about that when they present. We are considering other unique approaches like micro- <br /> lending as we think it might help build a more diverse small business base in our community. <br /> When it comes to public spaces, again, My SB Parks & Trails is going to be, by far, the biggest <br /> thing you will hear about but you will also see us making requests to allow us to continue our work <br /> on the City Cemetery. We are also funding the Zoo Bond. There are some big picture long-term <br /> capital questions about the Zoo and some of their ambitious and exciting visions but there are some <br /> things we can help get underway right away. <br /> He went on, Council has asked, and again, we think this aligns well with the idea of vibrant and <br /> welcoming neighborhoods, about quality of life. So you will see funding for new housing <br /> construction, traffic calming, vacant and abandoned houses and supporting those neighborhood <br /> plans with TIF investment that aligns well with those plans. We have heard a lot about Bendix. It <br /> will come in the budget and it will not be a small item. Even though it is both Federal and Local, <br /> if you've driven on it, you'll note the conditions on that stretch of drive are in pretty bad shape. I <br /> am identifying this outside of the routine paving program because this is a large project. We <br /> already talked about the quiet zones, curbs and sidewalks and we are not approaching Council <br /> right now for increased rates but we are putting the rate increases that happened in the past to work <br /> when it comes to water and waste water. But, as I mentioned, we are also going to be raising the <br /> subject of the storm water utility fee. <br /> He continued, The Fire Department High School Dual-Credit Program is off to a great start. We <br /> have already accepted one(1)graduate into this Department and have two(2)former students who <br /> are in the recruiting process now. It is a fine example of how some of these partnerships with our <br /> education system can make the City Administration more effective and, we think, benefit the <br /> community. You're going to also see more development of our fiber-optic capacity and free Wi- <br /> Fi that, we believe, makes downtown a more digitally inclusive place. There has been a lot of <br /> usage. In data terms, three point two (3.2) terabytes have been used of our downtown Wi-Fi and <br /> that shows there is a lot of demand.Not to get too much into the weeds on the technology side but <br /> the ERP is kind of the technology heart of the City. You probably have heard various City <br /> employees cursing a program called NaviLine. We are migrating from NaviLine and it is quite <br /> literally the software equivalent to a heart transplant. That is underway and when we are done it <br /> will allow us to do some terrific things when it comes to recording financial data. It also helps with <br /> workflow management. <br /> He went on, I want to mention workforce transportation too because this is actually getting some <br /> national attention. Bloomberg Philanthropies selected South Bend as one (1) of the handful of <br /> cities it is investing in. The idea here is to work with area employers to create a fund for them to <br /> support rideshare services for their employees to get to work who would otherwise be unable, <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If <br /> 8 <br />