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i <br /> •CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> will follow. We are making sure to do the internal work to ensure that what we bring before you <br /> is really crisp and is ready by the time it comes to this chamber. Some of these are still a bit of a <br /> moving target as we find the budget proposal going into this fall. <br /> He continued,I want to acknowledge and appreciate the opportunities we have had to draw resident <br /> feedback,both informally and formally.There have been Mayor's Night Out events,neighborhood <br /> meetings and also the joint Council/Administration/Resident Budget meeting. The overall context <br /> of the budget begins with the fiscal environment. Indiana has rightly earned a reputation as a place <br /> that has a low tax environment. The other side of that coin is that it leaves us in the local <br /> government having to be extremely efficient and judicious about the use of the resources we get <br /> because there is no question or opportunity to casually or lightly find more revenue. We really <br /> have to work within the constraints we have been given. That is even truer as we look to the next <br /> couple of years because of the provision for property tax caps that doesn't kick in for our County <br /> until 2020. We've been calling it the fiscal curb, not wanting to call it a cliff, but it is definitely <br /> something we have been talking about in this chamber for at least two (2) years now. We will see <br /> continued attention to that in 2019 as this is the last, but one (1), budget to prepare for that. You <br /> could say it is the last budget we have to work with before that dip in revenue takes effect. <br /> However,this ye ,we have seen that assessed value growing and property taxes increasing so we <br /> do have a three point eight percent (3.8%) increase from 2017. We are not budgeting quite like <br /> that and are budgeting more conservatively, but we are hoping to see some kind of increase in <br /> 2019 as well. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis arrived at the meeting at 5:06 p.m. <br /> He went on,The economy is growing and the population is growing. Obviously there is an increase <br /> in a gathering sense of momentum in the community and there is a great level of civic energy. We <br /> also have unusually healthy finances, especially for a City our size and an economy like ours. We <br /> are proud of that and are going to work hard to maintain it. Unemployment remains low and is in <br /> the condition that most economists would consider full employment.However,we know that there <br /> are still a lot of people who are left out of this economy. The major initiatives we have spent the <br /> most time and energy on as an Administration in cooperation with the Council continue to develop. <br /> Quality of Place investments are being made across the City,My SB Parks &Trails is getting into <br /> full-swing now and we are paying more attention to inclusive economic growth as well as <br /> neighborhood efforts through Diversity, Human Capital and Inclusion. <br /> He continued, You will often hear me talk about the values of the City and I think it is always <br /> worth revisiting these at the onset of the budget season too. Any time we are making the case to <br /> add or subtract, we should do it with regard to the values that animate our Administration. The <br /> first (1st) one (1) is Excellence and that is because it takes resources to deliver excellent services. <br /> For us,that means being the best in the State,having a plan to get there, or being in the top twenty- <br /> five percent(25%)in the Country on everything we do. The next is Accountability which includes <br /> transparency but it's not only transparency,it is making sure that people have confidence that their <br /> government is serving them and using their resources well. Innovation is the next one (1) and that <br /> is one (1) in which we have made a lot of investments. Innovation is not the same thing as <br /> Technology but is often required to do things more efficiently and effectively. We invest in the <br /> types of technological resources that are required. Inclusion is a central value for us and is <br /> something we have identified more resources for over time. We work to make sure both the make- <br /> up of our Administration and the character of our work with our interactions in the private sector <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 2 <br />