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� PUBLIC WORKS AND PROPERTY VACATION 08-22-11 <br /> Committee Members Present: David Varner; Tom LaFountain; Tim Rouse <br /> Other Council Members Present: Derek Dieter;Ann Puzzello; Oliver Davis <br /> Others Present: Kyle Chamberlin, Kevin Allen, Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, <br /> Chuck Bulot; John Byorni; Carl Littrell; Bernie Feeney; <br /> Rita Kopala <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 18-11 —Amend Code—Building Fees <br /> Bill NO. 49-11 —Vacation Cedar/Niles Alley <br /> Committee Chair David Varner began the hearing promptly at 3:30 p.m. noting three of four <br /> committee members were present constituting a quorum. <br /> The first item on the agenda, bill No. 18-11 was to be presented by its originator, Chuck Bulot, <br /> head of the Building Department. Mr. Bulot asked for an open-ended continuance which was <br /> agreed to by all present. <br /> The second bill under consideration, Bill No. 49-11 a request to vacate a portion of an alley 172' <br /> long for Memorial Hospital. Bernie Feeney, presenting for Memorial, indicated all city <br /> departments had approved the request. This was confirmed by Carl Littrell, City Engineer. Only <br /> Charles Hayes, an interested citizen spoke. He wonder if access to a cell tower he owned would <br /> be impeded. Mr. Feeney assured him it would not. On a motion by Councilmember Rouse, <br /> seconded by Councilmember LaFountain and supported by all the bill was sent to full Council <br /> favorably. <br /> There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson Varner <br /> adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m. <br /> RespectFully Submitted, <br /> G� ;� �� <br /> David Varner, Chairperson <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />