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�.Si t..:; . <br /> � L <br /> � t <br /> �r '_ <br /> ZONING AND ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 07-11-11 <br /> Committee Members Present: Chairperson AI Kirsits; Oliver Davis; David Varner <br /> Other Council Members Present: Henry Davis; Ann Puzzello; Tim Rouse; <br /> Others Present: William R.Welsh, Hoosier Tank; Sue Kinnucan, <br /> Tom Kinnucan, Hoosier Tank; Don Inks; Ed Fisher; John <br /> Schalliol, Chuck Bulot; Kevin Wang; Bill Doblaw, Mayor <br /> Steve Luecke; Charlotte Pfeiffer; Dea Andrews <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 22-11 —Rezone 1710 Sheridan <br /> Bill No. 29-11 —Rezone 2014-2018 S. Michigan <br /> Bill No. 11-44—Special Exception 1117-1119 W.Washington <br /> Chairperson AI "Buddy" Kirsits opened the meeting and called upon Christa Nayder from the Area <br /> Plan Commission (APC)to report on the APC hearing. She explained the petition to rezone filed <br /> by Hoosier Tank involves changing approximately 1.9 acres of a city park adjacent to their facility <br /> to allow for additional parking and truck staging. She further reported there were no <br /> remonstrators at the APC hearing and the proposal was supported by the City both of which <br /> resulted in a favorable APC recommendation to Council. Ed Fisher of Fisher Land Surveyors <br /> was present to represent the petitioner. <br /> Following brief discussion, Councilmember Oliver Davis motioned the bill be sent to Council <br /> favorably. Councilmember Varner seconded and support was unanimous. <br /> Bill No. 29-11, next on the agenda, would rezone two parcels each with houses on them from MU <br /> to single family. <br /> Christa Nayder again outlined the Area Plan Staff position and recounted that the Area Plan <br /> Commission hearing which resulted in a favorable recommendation to Council. Both the owner of <br /> the property Bill Doblaw and the petitioner, Kevin 1lVang were present to make brief appeals and <br /> answer any questions. <br /> Subsequently, Councilmember Oliver Davis motioned Bill No. 29-11 be sent to Council favorably. <br /> This was seconded by Councilmember Varner and supported by all. <br /> The final agenda item, Bill No. 11-44 was received from the Board of Zoning Appeals with no <br /> recommendation. The petition is for the approval of a special exception request, allowing the re- <br /> instatement of a duplex in an SF-2 area. The property had been a legal non-conforming use; <br /> however had lost its status having sat vacant for over a year. <br />