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r,...- <br /> � <br /> � <br /> `_, •., ' PERSONNEL AND FINANCE JUNE 27, 2011 <br /> Committee Members Present: Tom LaFountain; Oliver Davis; Karen White; David <br /> Varner <br /> Other Council Members Present: Derek Dieter; Henry Davis; Ann Puzzello; Tim Rouse;AI <br /> Kirsits <br /> Others Present: Gary Gilot; Don Inks;Jeff Parrott; Mayor Steve; Gene <br /> Oakley; Gregg Zientara; Murray Miller <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 27-11 —Appropriation $9.2 Capital Projects <br /> Bill No. 37-11 —Budget Transfers <br /> Bifl No. 38-11 —Budget Transfer <br /> Bill No. 31-11 —Block Party Applications <br /> Bill No. 27-11 Appropriation of$9.2 Million for Capital Projects <br /> Chairperson LaFountain opened the meeting by announcing a substitute bill which would <br /> appropriate only$1.35 million of the original $9.2 million that had been submitted by the <br /> administration. The balance would be taken up at a later date when more information and <br /> discussion can be put forth. <br /> The scaled back version accepted by the Council includes $1.2 millions for the purchase and <br /> demolition of the Family Dollar store at the new St.Joe High School site. Three other small <br /> requests were 1. $60,000 utility relocation on U.S. 31 S. 2. East Bank River Walk repairs of <br /> $50,000 and 3. An Elbel Golf Course water pump, $40,000. <br /> The Mayor made the presentation. He emphasized there was precedent for the City using public <br /> dollars to help private enterprise assuring the Council this would pass a constitutional challenge <br /> of separation of church and state. He went on to say these dollars are fungible that is other costs <br /> could be substituted using the same dollars. <br /> Oliver Davis declared opposition to spending pubic dollars for a private religious based business <br /> enterprise. The Mayor responded saying there was precedent for this, further explaining the <br /> fungible dollars could be assigned to infrastructure. <br /> Councilmember Varner said the dollars amount to a gift to the church whatever iYs used for. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis surmised the high school construction project would go ahead with <br /> or without the$4.2 million. Councilmember's White and Oliver Davis agreed the three smaller <br /> projects should be voted separately from the$1.2 million. During the public section Gene Oakley <br /> said the$1.2 to benefit SJHS was assuredly a violation of the constitutional principle of <br /> separation of Church and state. <br /> Tom LaFountain calling for a vote heard a motion of support for the three smaller projects from <br /> Oliver Davis seconded by Dave Varner. All affirmed. <br />