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����•,� <br /> �. <br /> � �.� <br /> �: <br /> ZONING AND ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 06-27-11 <br /> Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis;Tom LaFountain; David Varner <br /> Other Council Members Present: Derek Dieter; Karen L.White;Ann Puzzello; Henry <br /> Davis; Tim Rouse <br /> Others Present: Mayor Luecke; Cosimo Bumbaca; Frank Agostino; <br /> Gregg Zientara; Charlotte Pfeiffer; Mark Lyons <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 11-44—Special Exception— 1117 W.Washington <br /> Bill No. 11-30—Special Exception— 1019 Talbot <br /> Bill No. 11-44 <br /> This bill asks the Council to grant a special exception to a home at 1117-1119 W. Washington to <br /> allow a duplex in a single-family neighborhood. <br /> Vice-Chairperson Oliver Davis conducting the meeting in Councilmember's Kirsits absence asked <br /> for a presenter of the bill. Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand interjected to note repeat <br /> attempts to notify the pefitioner of the hearing by the Clerk's office had failed. <br /> Vice-Chairperson Oliver Davis, recognizing some members of the public were present to speak <br /> on the bill decided to go ahead with the hearing and reschedule another hearing and action on <br /> the Bill for July 11, 2011. <br /> Going directly to the public portion Chairperson Oliver Davis noted no one was present to speak <br /> in favor. Speaking against was Charlotte Pfeiffer representing the Near West Side Neighborhood <br /> Alliance said residents nearby had long fostered single-family owner occupied homes. A duplex, <br /> she felt, would compromise years of heard work to turn the neighborhood around. Charlotte also <br /> read a letter from South Bend Heritage opposing the granting of the special exception. <br /> Mark Lyons from the building department reported that the BZA sent the bill to Council with no <br /> recommendation. <br /> Council Atiorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand noted that failure of the Council to act with in a 60 <br /> day deadline from June 1 would automatically allow the special exception. She recommended <br /> the Clerk's Office send a registered letter to the petitioner to appear at a meeting to further <br /> consider the matter at the next meeting on July 11, 2011. <br />