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E r. , <br />~`~~ '::. ` Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />2007 South Bend Common Council <br />The September 24, 2007 meeting of the Public Works and Property Vacation <br />Committee of the South Bend Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, <br />Council Member David Varner at 3:17 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Varner, Kirsits, White, Kuspa, and <br />Puzzello; Public Works Director Gary Gilnt, Robert Nemeth, Martha Lewis, Domingo B. <br />Flores, Jr., Mrs. Kopola, City Clerk John Voorde, Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune <br />and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Dr. Varner nofied that the Committee members include Council Members Pfeifer, Dieter, <br />Kelly and himself and that J. Edward Talley is the Citizen Member. Dr. Varner stated <br />that a quorum was not present therefore no formal recommendations would be made by <br />the Committee. <br />Dr. Varner then called for a presentation on Bill No. 60-07 requesting a vacatian of a <br />portion of the first northlsouth alley west of Dale Street. <br />Bill No. fi0-07: Re uest to Vacate lst NIS Alle West of Dale Street: <br />The petitioner, Domingo B. Flores, Jr., of 901 E. Dayton made the presentation. Ne <br />stated that he owns two (2) properties and would like to consolidate them. He stated <br />that he would like to fence this area off for safety reasons. <br />Public Works Director Gary Gilot noted that no objections were received to this request. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Mr. Gilot noted that if the vacatian is <br />approved that it could be used as a driveway if it is hard-surFaced. <br />^r. Varner suggested that if the petitioner ever sold the property that he should make it <br />clear to the prospective buyer about the area which is vacated. <br />City Clerk John Voorde noted that since Mr. Flores awns the property on each side of <br />the alley in question, that he can request that the entire 14' be added to the property <br />with the primary residence through the assessor's office. <br />No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br />In light of a quorum not being present, no recommendation was made. <br />