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Zonin and Annexation Committee Meetin <br />9 9 <br />2007 South Bend Common Council <br />The April 9, 2007 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee of the South Bend <br />Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Al "Buddy" <br />Kirsits at 3:30 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Kelly, Pfeifer, Kirsits, Varner, White, <br />Dieter, and Puzzello; Building Commissioner Don Fozo, Mark Lyons, Michael Danch, J. <br />Edward Talley, Marty Wolfson, Martha Lewis, Mrs. Kopola, David Rafinski, Nancy Sulok <br />and Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br />Attorney. <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the committee members include Council Members <br />Kuspa, Pfeifer, Varner and himself. He noted that Council Member Kuspa is <br />recuoperating from recent surgery. <br />Substitute Bill No. D9-07 Rezoning of Llncolnwa_y WestlKnoblocklMaplewood:: <br />Council Member Kirsits called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 09-07 which is a <br />rezoning request from Stanz Cheese. <br />Dr. Varner made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pfeifer to accept the <br />substitute version of the BiII. The motion passed. <br />Mark Lyons, an Area Plan staff member reported that the substitute bill addressing the <br />rezoning of approximately three (3) acres from single family to light industrial. It <br />received a favorable recommendation from the Area Plan Commission at its meeting of <br />March 20, 2007 (report attached). <br />David Rafinski, a representative for Stanz Foodservice, Inc. noted that the rezoning <br />would complete the zoning for that entire city block, He highlighted the conceptual site <br />plan for the area {copy attached}. <br />No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the bill. <br />Dr. Varner made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pfeifer that substitute Bill No. <br />09-07 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Substitute Bill No. 10-07 Rezoning of1914 Miami Street:: <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the petitioner for Substitute Bill No. 10-07 has <br />requested that this Bill be continued until the May 14, 2007 Council meeting. <br />