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Personnel and Finance Committee <br />March 26, 20fl7 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. St. Clair stated that the negotiations are ongoing. <br />Council Member Kuspa inquired about the Krac Center on park property. Mr. St. Clair <br />stated that the Board of Park Commissioners are involved in the transfer of property and <br />he believes that that will be a great project. <br />Council Member Kirsits asked on behalf of Council Member Pfeifer for an update on the <br />$25,000 far Muessel Park. Mr. St. Clair stated that in 2005 there were various upgrades <br />made for fencing, goal posts, and bleachers. He added that they have not had a lot of <br />dialogue with Holy Cross. <br />Council Member White inquired about the Leeper Park tennis courts. Mr. St. Clair stated <br />that $4D0,000-$450,000 for new courts will be allocated plus additional funds are needed <br />for lighting and fencing upgrades. A grant has been applied for and that work will probably <br />not begin until September an this project. <br />There was no one present to speak in favor or in opposition from the public on Bill No. 06- <br />D7. <br />Council Member Kirsits made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Hess that Bill No. <br />06W07 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Council Member White thanked everyone for supplying needed information on the various <br />projects addressed in the capital budget, and also thanked the Administration far supplying <br />valuable information on parking concerns relative to the two (2) pending proposed <br />ordinances. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Dr. Varner adjourned the <br />meeting at 4:28 p.m. <br />Respectfull- ubm/fitted, ,~" <br />Council Member David Varner, Vice-Chairperson <br />Personnel and Finance Committee <br />Attachments <br />