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Health and Public Safety Committee <br />2007 South Bend Common Council <br />The March 26, 2007 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee of the South <br />Bend Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen <br />L. White at 3:50 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Puzzello, Varner, Rouse, <br />Kuspa, White, Kelly, and Kirsits; Building Commissioner Dan Fazo, City Clerk Jahn <br />Voorde, City Controller M. Catherine Fanello, Police Chief Thomas Fautz, Assistant Fire <br />Chief for Services Richard Switalski, Battalion Chief Michael Damiano, Police Division <br />Chief for Community Relations Gary Horvath, Jamie Loa of the South Bend Tribune and <br />Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member White Hated that the Committee Members include Council Members <br />Puzzello, Kelly, Dieter and herself. <br />Bill No. 13-07 $10,000 Haz-Mat Proposed Appropriation: <br />Council Member White called for a formal presentation on Bill No. 13-07 which 15 a <br />proposed $10,000 appropriation from Fund # 289, the Haz-Mat Fund, <br />Assistant Fire Chief for Services Richard Switalski made the presentation. Chief <br />Switalski stated that the revenues generated by the South Bend Fire Department Haz- <br />Mat Team when responding outside the city limits are very useful in defraying the costs <br />of operating the team. The fees charged are done pursuant to an ordinance passed by <br />the Council. Chief Switalski then introduced Battalion Chief Mike Damiano who heads <br />up Special Operations to provide additional information. <br />Battalion Chief Damiano noted that the various equipment is necessary for the haz-mat <br />team. The appropriation would also cover equipment repair, A & B suits, radio <br />batteries, lumber for truckltrailer renovations and miscellaneous tools. <br />Following discussion, Council Member Dieter made a motion, seconded by Council <br />Member Kelly that Bill No. 13-07 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed. <br />Bill No. 14-D7 77 40D River Rescne Pro osed A ro riation: <br />Council Member White called for a formal presentation on Bill No. 14-07 which is a <br />proposed $77,400 appropriation from Fund # 291 River Rescue to train personnel and <br />purchase equipment. <br />